SMS-initiated PPP

In environments where Local Managers contact the Control Center as needed via wireless modem, contact can be initiated from the Control Center by sending an SMS message instructing a Local Manager to phone home in order to connect to the network out-of-band.

Requirements for using this capability are:

  • The Local Manager uses a wireless modem (GPRS/CDMA/Iridium/Inmarsat) modem that supports SMS commands.
  • The Local Manager has been configured with a phone number and SMS domain name that the Control Center can use to construct a valid SMS email address. These are locally configured with the config answer command.
  • An SMS modem monitor with automation (i.e., a rule/ruleset) has been configured for the modem to monitor for SMS messages. The included smsPppOn rule can be used in conjunction with this monitor.

To initiate contact:

  1. Select the Local Manager from the Inventory and expand the page to show the Local Manager detail.
  2. Click Schedule Task and from the list of tasks that may be scheduled, select SMS Message and click Next.

CC - Schedule Task - SMS

  1. The SMS Message - Parameters page opens. Click Next and the ppp on command is sent immediately by SMS message. It may take a few minutes before the Local Manager receives the SMS message and activates PPP to phone home.