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Alarms and Events

The Control Center can aggregate alarms and events from all Local Managers in the deployment. Which alarms and events a user can view will depend on the user's privileges.

Alarms (Deployment)

CC: Alarms

The Alarms page provides a quick overview of active alarms on any of the managed Local Managers.

The alarm summary shows when an alarm was last generated, how long it has been active, which Local Manager it occurred on, and a message detailing the alarm. If the alarm involves a specific device and/or interface, that information is displayed as well. Alarms can be filtered by Local Manager, and by number of results. To quickly access the Local Manager reporting the alarm, click the hostname in the Local Manager column to bring up the Local Manager detail page.

Lantronix Control Center - Alarms

Alarms (Single Local Manager)

CC: Inventory > Local Manager Summary > Alarms

To view alarms for a single Local Manager, select the Local Manager from the Inventory and click Alarms on the left side of the page. If there are active alarms, you can also access the Alarms page by clicking the There are active alarms message.

Lantronix Control Center - Local Manager Alarms

Events (Single Local Manager)

To view events for a single Local Manager, select the Local Manager from the Inventory and click Events on the left side of the page. Each event entry shows the time of the event, the device and interface on which it occurred (if available), the user, and a descriptive message.

Lantronix Control Center - Local Manager Events