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Monitoring Disk Space with SNMP

SNMP can be configured on the Control Center to monitor disk space and send an alert if space is getting low. A full disk partition may cause the CC to stop responding to HTTPS requests.

Install RPMs (version 5.3 and lower)

Log into the CC as emsadmin and become root.

[djones@centos-vm ~]$ ssh emsadmin@lantronix-cc
emsadmin@lantronix-cc's password: 
[emsadmin@lantronixControlCenter ~]$ sudo su -
[sudo] password for emsadmin: 
[root@LantronixControlCenter ~]# 

Versions 5.3 and lower require additional RPMs to enable this feature. Log into the Lantronix Support Site and download the cc-rpms.tar file for version 5.3. Transfer the tar file to the CC.


If your CC can reach, you can use wget to pull the file directly to the CC.

Untar the file:

[root@LantronixControlCenter ~]tar -xvf cc-rpms5.3.tar

Install the relevant RPMs:

[root@LantronixControlCenter ~] rpm -Uvh net-snmp-libs-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:net-snmp-libs          ########################################### [100%]

[root@LantronixControlCenter ~]# rpm -Uvh net-snmp-  
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:net-snmp               ########################################### [100%]

[root@LantronixControlCenter ~]# rpm -Uvh net-snmp-utils-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:net-snmp-utils         ########################################### [100%]

Configure SNMP

Edit the snmpd.conf and add the following information:

[root@LantronixControlCenter ~]# vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

Ensure these components are present. There may already be configuration information present, and more may be added to monitor other aspects of the CC.

com2sec notConfigUser  default [public or community]

trapcommunity [public or community] 
trap2sink [ - or IP address of SNMP receiver]

syslocation LantronixInNoc
syscontact CustomerName <root@localhost>

agentSecName notConfigUser
rouser notConfigUser

disk / 30%
disk /u00 10%
disk /u01 10%
disk /u02 10%
disk /u03 10%
disk /u04 30%
disk /u05 30%

monitor -r 60 -o dskPath -o dskErrorMsg "LantronixCC Disk Warning"  dskErrorFlag  != 0

Enable SNMP to Run at Startup

Now that you have configured snmpd, you will need to ensure that it is running on startup by executing the following commands as root:

service snmpd start
chkconfig --level 345 snmpd on

Setup Complete

You will now start receiving SNMP traps at your trap receiver whenever the disk space is running low. To change the thresholds for these traps, you may edit snmpd.conf.


u00-u03 are sparse database files, they should not grow.