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Deployment Overview

The Deployment Overview section let you view information about current alarm status of your Local Managers and modems.

Local Manager Overview

CC: Administration > Deployment Overview > Local Managers

The Local Manager Overview page allows you to:

  • See a list of all Local Managers managed by the Control Center
  • See quick info about each LM, including hostname, alarm status, IP, serial number, last heartbeat, and software version
  • Download a list of all Local Managers in CSV format
  • Find Local Managers running lower versions of software
  • Find Local Managers that aren't heartbeating
  • Create a custom filter containing the currently displayed devices

Local Manager Overview

Check the Show more detail box to view even more information about your Local Managers.

Modem Overview

CC: Administration > Deployment Overview > Modems

The Modem Overview page allows you to:

  • See a list of all modems managed by the Control Center
  • See quick information about each modem, including LM hostname, alarm status, model, APN, ICCID, IMEI, SMS number, and phone number
  • Download a list of all modems in CSV format
  • Find modems with current alarms by alarm type
  • Create a custom filter for scheduling tasks for all the modems shown in the table results

Modem Overview

Check the Show more detail box to view more information to help with detailed debugging, including the full length alarm message for each modem.