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config device logging

Interactive command to specify how logging is handled for the network device.

Command availability

CLI resource: port

Device makes: 3Com, Alcatel, Cisco, Comtech EF Data, HP, iDirect, Juniper, ND Satcom, Netscreen, Nortel, Sun, Tasman, TippingPoint, server

Lantronix system: All

LMS offerings: All


config device logging


This setting may alter the network device's configuration, based on the user's choices at the next assimilation process.

This setting does not remove current syslog configuration from network devices.

[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# config device logging 
--- Existing  Values ---
Set the console to use synchronous logging: yes
Set the console to use logging buffered: yes
Logging level for buffered logging (PIX only): 3
Device buffer polling interval: 30
Clear device log buffer on poll: no
Port syslog forwarding enabled: no
Change these? (y/n) [n]: y
Set the console to use synchronous logging: (y/n) [y]: y
Set the console to use logging buffered: (y/n) [y]: y
Logging level for buffered logging (PIX only): [3]:
Device buffer polling interval: [30]: 
Clear device log buffer on poll: (y/n) [y]: 
Enable syslog forwarding? (y/n) [n]: y
Syslog server IP: []:
Syslog port number: [514]: 
Syslog facility: []: local1

In the Lantronix web interface

Console log and buffer settings: Inventory > group page > System > Default Port Settings button - specific to this inventory group

Syslog settings: Inventory > Local Manager page > Port Settings > Logging - specific to this device


2.0 - This command was introduced

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