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config reinstall

This command resets a Local Manager to factory configuration.

To set an individual port back to its initial state, use the config system clear port command.

Do not power off or cycle power during the factory reset process.

Command availability

CLI resource: system

Lantronix system: All

LMS offerings: All


config reinstall


Note: To protect against accidental usage, this command is not included in any of the default roles. It must be added to the role of the user.

1) Create a role called reinstall.

[admin@LantronixLM]# config role reinstall
Role reinstall does not exist. Create (y/n): y

2) Add the config reinstall permission to the role.

[config role reinstall]# allow config reinstall
[config role reinstall]# exit

3) Edit the admin user and assign the reinstall role on the system resource.

[admin@LantronixLM]# config user admin
[config user admin]# system reinstall
[config user admin]# exit

4) Admin can now run the config reinstall command.

[admin@LantronixLM]# config reinstall
** Issuing this command will completely reset the system. **
** All data will be lost. IP connectivity will be lost. **
Proceed? (y/n): y

If the Local Manager is managed by a Control Center, role creation and assignment will need to be done on the Control Center.

Related commands