Move files between ports and to/from the Lantronix Local Manager from a remote file system.
Command availability¶
CLI resource: port
Device makes: 3Com, Alcatel, Cisco, Comtech EF Data, Garmin, HP, iDirect, Juniper, ND Satcom, Netscreen, Nortel, Sun, Tasman, TippingPoint, native, server
Lantronix Local Managers: All
LMS offerings: All
Copy from one port to another port:
Port is assumed to be this port if not specified.
Copy from this port to remote host:
copy <<"type"> <"version">> <scp | ftp> <"userName@IP[:file]">
copy <"type"> <"version"> Control Center category/file
Copy from remote host to this port:
copy <<scp | ftp> <"userName@IP:file">> <<"type"> <"version">>
copy Control Center <category/file> <"type"> <"version">
"source" and "destination" parameters are made up of the following choices:
- type = <os | running-config | startup-config | tech | post>
- version = <candidate | current | previous | <user ver> | archive #> User versions can include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _, 1 to 9 characters.
- port = port #
Only file types relevant to the device type are supported and are placed in the device's file system on the Lantronix system.
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# copy os current port 1/2 candidate
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# copy port 1/2 os current previous
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# copy running-config current SCP joeuser@
password: ********
Sending... File successfully sent to
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# copy FTP joeuser@ running-config
Retrieved 'running-config' from
In the example below, the running-config file for the device on port 1/1 is copied to the file archive on the Local Manager Management Station.
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/1)]# copy running-config current Control Center configs/Aus01-router.cfg
File successfully sent to
copy succeeded
1.07 - This command was introduced.
1.4 - Ability to copy tech, post, and archive files added.
3.4 - Added Control Center category/file as a source/destination.
Related commands¶