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show system slot

Displays the virtual ports on a Local Manager. Virtual ports that are connected via an intermediate console server over a network connection or utilizing a COM port re-director provide the same functionality as the hardware versions.

Virtual ports are also used when communicating directly to a managed device on its management telnet port with reduced functionality. Ports may display UNAVAILABLE if the Local Manager cannot establish an RFC-2217 connection to the ip/port.

Command availability

CLI resource: system

Lantronix system: All

LMS offerings: All


show system slot <1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |modem | powercontrol>


[admin@LantronixLM]# show system slot 1

In the Lantronix web interface

Inventory > Local Manager page > System > Virtual Slots - specific to this system


4.4 - This command was introduced.

4.5 - Slot 4 option added for hardware Local Managers

Related commands