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Expansion Cards

Expansion cards (also known as option cards) add serial and Ethernet ports to the Local Manager. The Lantronix 5000 supports two expansion cards for a maximum serial port density of 38.

Sample 8 Port Serial Card

8 Port Card

Sample 16 Port Serial Card

The 16 Port Serial Card is used with 8-connector fan-out cables that have a v.68M connector for attaching to the card and 8 RJ45 connectors pinned as DCE. Two of these cables can be used to connect the card to up to 16 devices.

Sample 8-Connector Fan-out Cable

The fan-out cables come with a set of stickers for labeling. Wrap the stickers on the ferrite bead near the RJ45 connectors as shown above. The stickers allow you to label the cables with both slot and port numbers for easier identification.

IMPORTANT: The numbering of the fan-out cables may not be in order from left to right. ONLY rely on the numbers on the labels at the end of the cables.

Sample 8 Port Dedicated Ethernet Card

Port Pairings when using Expansion Cards

The Local Manager can use Ethernet to move configuration and software image files back and forth between it and its managed devices.

Dedicated Ethernet ports are used to make a direct Ethernet connection between the Local Manager and managed devices. Dedicated Ethernet ports are always paired with serial ports in the system. The placement of an Ethernet expansion card in the system will determine which serial ports map to its Ethernet ports.

Configuration A: One Ethernet expansion card, one serial expansion card

When an 8 or 16 port serial expansion card is installed in the right expansion bay (slot 2) and an 8 port Ethernet expansion card is installed in the left expansion bay (slot 3), the 8 dedicated Ethernet ports in slot 3 are paired with the first 8 serial ports (ports 2/1 to 2/8) in slot 2.

Configuration A

Configuration B: One serial port expansion card, one Ethernet expansion card

When an 8 port Ethernet expansion card is installed in the right expansion bay (slot 2) and an 8 or 16 port serial expansion card is installed in the left expansion bay (slot 3), the first four dedicated Ethernet ports are paired with the first four fixed serial ports (ports 1/1 thru 1/4). The remaining Ethernet ports (ports 5-8) are paired with the first four serial ports on the serial port expansion card (ports 3/1 to 3/4).

Configuration A

Configuration C: One Ethernet expansion card, no serial expansion card

When an eight-port Ethernet expansion card is installed in the right expansion bay (slot 2), the first four Ethernet ports are paired with the first four fixed serial ports (ports 1/1 to 1/4). The remaining fixed serial port (port 1/5) is not paired with a dedicated Ethernet port.

Configuration A