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Syslog Messages

This document provides a list of Lantronix Local Manager Syslog messages and their corresponding level for LMS version 6.3.


Syslog messages can be sourced from the Local Manager's context as well as from a device port. Each area can be configured to log to a different server, facility, and UDP port. Lantronix Local Manager specific logs are sourced as the Local Manager's facility.

Device logs are collected from the console or buffered log and sent as the device port's facility. All Syslog messages are sourced from the Local Manager's IP address.

Local Manager

This will include system and port level events including modem, outband, and power components. This is configured with the config system syslog command. An example of this type would be:

Jan  31 22:20:36 local3: Host: A500560133 ; NOTICE: User login failed.
Jan  31 22:20:29 local3: Host: A500560133 Duration: 00:15:00 Count: 21; WARNING: Failed to connect to pulse server. (
Jan  31 22:21:30 local3: Host: hwvpn8; INFORMATIONAL: Port was locked
Jan  31 22:21:30 local3: Host: hwvpn8; WARNING: Terminal is locked. (rbuilder)


Each device port can be configured to send device log messages collected from the device's console port to a specific host. The config device logging command from the device's port is used to specify these settings:

Jan  31 22:29:20 local4: Host: hwvpn8 189243: *Jan 24 15:37:57.978 UTC: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list from_internet denied udp (FastEthernet4 50e5.49b8.a010) ->, 4 packets
Jan  31 22:29:20 local4: Host: hwvpn8 189244: *Jan 24 15:38:57.978 UTC: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list from_internet denied udp (FastEthernet4 50e5.49b8.a010) ->, 7 packets
Jan  31 22:29:20 local4: Host: hwvpn8 189245: *Jan 24 15:38:57.978 UTC: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list from_internet denied udp (FastEthernet4 50e5.49b8.a010) ->, 12 packets

The current UTC time of the Local Manager is included in each message. The January 31 date is the current time on the Local Manager and the January 24 date (seen later in the message) was included in the text from the device.

Message Structure

This is a list of available Syslog messages as of Local Manager version 5.2. All Syslog messages are sent using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • Severity Level is sent as a single digit from 0 to 7, indicating the severity of the message.
    • 0 - Emergency
    • 1 - Alert
    • 2 - Critical
    • 3 - Error
    • 4 - Warning
    • 5 - Notice
    • 6 - Info
    • 7 - Debugging
  • Equivalent SNMP Event - Each Local Manger Syslog can additionally be sent as an SNMP trap using the MIB definitions listed here. See the MIB reference for more detail about this.
  • Message - This is a text field. The Local Management software or rule authors may append additional information to these messages.

Lantronix Syslog Protocols

Level Equivalent SNMP Event Message
NOTICE uplogixJobFailed Scheduled job failed.
INFO uplogixDownloadStarted Download started.
INFO uplogixEnvoyBackupStarted System backup started.
INFO uplogixEnvoyRestoreStarted System restore started.
INFO uplogixEnvoyUpdateStarted System update started.
INFO uplogixUploadStarted Upload started.
WARNING uplogixPppUp PPP is up.
NOTICE uplogixPppDown PPP is down.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyRestart System restarted.
NOTICE uplogixConfigUser User configured.
NOTICE uplogixConfigUserGroup User group configured.
NOTICE uplogixConfigImport Imported system configuration.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyShutdown System shutdown.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyEnable Switched user
NOTICE uplogixEnvoySuspend System suspended.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyServiceAccessOn Service access on
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyServiceAccessOff Service access off
NOTICE uplogixFilesystemReadOnly Appliance filesystem read-only
WARNING uplogixVpnUp VPN is up.
NOTICE uplogixVpnDown VPN is down.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyLogin User logged in.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyCallerDisallowed Incoming call denied.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyPulseFailure Failed to connect to pulse server.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyPulseRestored Restored connection to the pulse server.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyUSBDisAlarm USB serial device disconnected from envoy.
ERROR uplogixEnvoyUSBNFAlarm USB serial device not found on system startup.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyLogout User logged out.
INFO uplogixEnvoyNoPowercontrol No power control configured.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyLoginFailed User login failed.
INFO uplogixEnvoyLoginExceeded User account locked; too many incorrect logins.
ERROR uplogixEnvoyPPPFailed Unable to establish PPP session.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyTempExceeded System temperature threshold exceeded.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyPowerFailure Primary power failure
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyHumidityExceeded System humidity threshold exceeded.
INFO uplogixEnvoyCallerAllowed Incoming call allowed.
NOTICE uplogixModemLineInUse Modem line in use.
NOTICE uplogixModemLineDisconnected Modem line disconnected.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatTimedOut Heartbeat timed out.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatFailed Heartbeat failed.
NOTICE uplogixArchiveTimedOut Archive timed out.
NOTICE uplogixArchiveFailed Archive failed.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyLoginPermissionDenied User does not have login privilege.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyAndEmsTimeDelta System and management server clocks are more than 20 seconds out of sync.
NOTICE uplogixUnableToResolve Unable to resolve hostname
NOTICE uplogixExportTimedOut Export timed out.
NOTICE uplogixExportFailed Export failed.
NOTICE uplogixNtpServerInvalid NTP server invalid.
ERROR uplogixEnvoyVPNFailed Unable to establish VPN session.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatSslFailed Heartbeat SSL failure.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatNoClientCertificate System missing heartbeat client certificate.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatNoServerCertificate System missing heartbeat management certificate.
NOTICE uplogixHeartbeatFipsMismatch System and management server have FIPS mode mismatch.
ERROR unrecoverableInstallationError Unrecoverable installation Error
NOTICE cpuTempExceeded CPU temperature threshold exceeded.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyModemConnect Modem CONNECT.
NOTICE uplogixPowerSupplyDown Power lost.
NOTICE uplogixNetworkPrimaryDown Primary network interface is down.
NOTICE uplogixNetworkSecondaryDown Secondary network interface is down.
NOTICE uplogixNetworkTertiaryDown Tertiary network interface is down.
WARNING uplogixCpuLoadMinor CPU has surpassed a minor threshold.
ERROR uplogixCpuLoadMajor CPU has surpassed a major threshold.
CRITICAL uplogixCpuLoadCritical CPU has surpassed a critical threshold.
WARNING uplogixMemoryMinor Memory has surpassed a minor threshold.
ERROR uplogixMemoryMajor Memory has surpassed a major threshold.
CRITICAL uplogixMemoryCritical Memory has surpassed a critical threshold.
WARNING uplogixDiskMinor Disk has surpassed a minor threshold.
ERROR uplogixDiskMajor Disk has surpassed a major threshold.
CRITICAL uplogixDiskCritical Disk has surpassed a critical threshold.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceCyclePower System is power cycling.
NOTICE uplogixOutletOnStarted Turning on outlet started.
NOTICE uplogixPowerCycleStarted Power cycle started.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceReboot Rebooting device.
NOTICE uplogixPowerOffStarted Power off started.
NOTICE uplogixPowerOnStarted Power on started.
INFO uplogixPreparePartitionStarted Prepare partition started.
INFO uplogixPullOSStarted Pull OS started.
INFO uplogixPullRunningConfigStarted Pull running configuration started.
INFO uplogixPullStartupConfigStarted Pull startup configuration started.
NOTICE uplogixPushOSStarted Push OS started.
NOTICE uplogixClearPasswordStarted Clear password started.
NOTICE uplogixPushRollbackConfigStarted Push rollback configuration started.
NOTICE uplogixPushRunningConfigStarted Push running configuration started.
NOTICE uplogixPushStartupConfigStarted Push startup configuration started.
WARNING uplogixRecAttempt Attempting recovery.
NOTICE uplogixRebootStarted Reboot started.
INFO uplogixReceiveFileFtpStarted Receive file FTP started.
INFO uplogixReceiveFileTftpStarted Receive file TFTP started.
WARNING uplogixRecoverConfigurationStarted Recover configuration started.
WARNING uplogixRecoverStarted Recover started.
NOTICE uplogixRommonRemoteBootStarted Rommon remote boot started.
NOTICE uplogixConfigRecoveryStatusStarted Configuration recovery status started.
NOTICE uplogixRommonStatusRecoveryStarted Rommon status recovery started.
INFO uplogixSendFileFtpStarted Send file FTP started.
INFO uplogixSendFileTftpStarted Send file TFTP started.
INFO uplogixSendFileXmodemStarted Send file Xmodem started.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceRecoverySuccessful Recovery successful.
INFO uplogixSetSerialSpeedStarted Set serial speed started.
INFO uplogixShowTechStarted Show tech started.
INFO uplogixSqueezePartitionStarted Squeeze partition started.
INFO uplogixUpdateBootInformationStarted Update boot information started.
ERROR uplogixDeviceRecoveryUnsuccessful Recovery failed.
INFO uplogixDeleteFileStarted Delete file started.
INFO uplogixDeviceLoginFailed Authentication failure.
INFO uplogixAssimilateStarted Assimilate started.
NOTICE uplogixChangeAuthenticationStarted Change authentication started.
INFO uplogixClearCountersStarted Clear counters started.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceCycleStarted Interface cycle started.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceOffStarted Interface off started.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceOnStarted Interface on started.
WARNING uplogixNoStartupConfigRecoveryStarted No startup configuration recovery started.
NOTICE uplogixOutletOffStarted Turning off outlet started.
NOTICE uplogixUserTermedIn User started a terminal session.
NOTICE uplogixUserTermedOut User completed a terminal session.
INFO uplogixCopyFilePortToPort File copied from one port to another.
NOTICE uplogixCopyFileToUrl File copied to an external location.
INFO uplogixCopyFileFromUrl File copied from an external location.
NOTICE uplogixUserTermedOutWithChanges User completed a terminal session with changes.
ERROR uplogixDeviceLogoutFailed Authentication failure - could not log out.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntRely Reliability is less than 90%.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntAborts Aborted packets exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntColl Output collisions exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntDCD DCD is down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntResets Resets exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntDefferedPkts Deferred packets exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntNoCarrier No carrier exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntCarrierTrans Carrier transitions exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLOS Loss of Signal is incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLOF Loss of Frame is incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntAIS AIS Alarm is incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntRunts Runts exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntRemote Remote Alarm is incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLineCode Line Code Violations are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntPathCode Path Code Violations are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntDSR DSR is down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntFrameLoss Frame Loss Seconds are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLineErrorSeconds Line Error Seconds are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntErrorSeconds Errored Seconds are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntUnavailableSeconds Unavailable Seconds are incrementing.
INFO uplogixDeviceCyclePowerFailed Power Cycle failed.
INFO uplogixDeviceNoPowercontrol Device has no power control configured.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntGiants Giants exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceCyclePowerSucceeded Power Cycle succeeded.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntState Operational state down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntProt Protocol state down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLoad Load is greater than 90%.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntDTR DTR is down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntRTS RTS is down.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntCTS CTS is down.
INFO uplogixDeviceStateDetectFailed Unable to communicate with device.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntOutputQDrops Output Queue Drops exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntInQDrops Input Queue Drops exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntThrottles Ethernet Throttles exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntCRC CRC Errors exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntFrameErr Frame errors exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntOverrunErr Overrun errors exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntLateColl Late Collisions exceed threshold.
INFO uplogixDeviceIntIgnPackets Ignored Packets exceed threshold.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceConsoleDisconnected Device console port disconnected from envoy.
INFO uplogixDeviceSshForwarded SSH forwarding connection setup to device.
WARNING uplogixDeviceVirtualPortError Virtual-port error.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceNearBlockageZone Device Near a blockage zone.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceInBlockageZone In a blockage zone.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceAgcBelowThreshold AGC is below threshold.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceRxUnlocked RX is unlocked.
NOTICE uplogixDeviceTxMuted TX is muted.
WARNING uplogixDeviceOSCurrentNotPolicy Current OS does not match Policy OS.
WARNING terminalLocked Terminal is locked.
WARNING uplogixOsFileNotOnDevice The device is running a network-booted OS. Please push an OS file to it.
INFO uplogixGeneric
INFO uplogixGeneric2
INFO uplogixGeneric3
INFO uplogixGeneric4
INFO uplogixGeneric5
INFO uplogixGeneric6
INFO uplogixGeneric7
INFO uplogixGeneric8
INFO uplogixGeneric9
INFO uplogixGeneric10
INFO uplogixGeneric11
INFO uplogixGeneric12
INFO uplogixGeneric13
INFO uplogixGeneric14
INFO uplogixGeneric15
INFO uplogixGeneric16
INFO uplogixGeneric17
INFO uplogixGeneric18
INFO uplogixGeneric19
INFO uplogixGeneric20
INFO uplogixGeneric21
INFO uplogixGeneric22
INFO uplogixGeneric23
INFO uplogixGeneric24
INFO uplogixGeneric25
INFO uplogixGeneric26
INFO uplogixGeneric27
INFO uplogixGeneric28
INFO uplogixGeneric29
INFO uplogixGeneric30
INFO uplogixGeneric31
INFO uplogixGeneric32
INFO uplogixGeneric33
INFO uplogixGeneric34
INFO uplogixGeneric35
INFO uplogixGeneric36
INFO uplogixGeneric37
INFO uplogixGeneric38
INFO uplogixGeneric39
INFO uplogixGeneric40
INFO uplogixGeneric41
INFO uplogixGeneric42
INFO uplogixGeneric43
INFO uplogixGeneric44
INFO uplogixGeneric45
INFO uplogixGeneric46
INFO uplogixGeneric47
INFO uplogixGeneric48
INFO uplogixGeneric49
INFO uplogixGeneric50
INFO uplogixDownloadCompleted Download completed.
NOTICE uplogixEnvoyUpdateCompleted System update completed.
INFO uplogixUploadCompleted Upload completed.
INFO uplogixClearedSlot Slot cleared.
INFO uplogixClearedArchiveFiles Archive files cleared.
INFO uplogixClearedExportFiles Export files cleared.
INFO uplogixAssimilateCompleted Assimilate completed.
NOTICE uplogixNoStartupConfigRecoveryCompleted No startup configuration recovery completed.
INFO uplogixPullStartupConfigCompleted Pull startup configuration completed.
NOTICE uplogixChangeAuthenticationCompleted Change authentication completed.
NOTICE uplogixPushOSCompleted Push OS completed.
NOTICE uplogixPushRollbackConfigCompleted Push rollback configuration completed.
NOTICE uplogixPushRunningConfigCompleted Push running configuration completed.
NOTICE uplogixPushStartupConfigCompleted Push startup configuration completed.
NOTICE uplogixRebootCompleted Reboot completed.
INFO uplogixReceiveFileFtpCompleted Receive file FTP completed.
INFO uplogixReceiveFileTftpCompleted Receive file TFTP completed.
NOTICE uplogixRecoverCompleted Recover completed.
NOTICE uplogixOutletOffCompleted Turning off outlet completed.
NOTICE uplogixRecoverConfigurationCompleted Recover configuration completed.
NOTICE uplogixRommonRemoteBootCompleted Rommon remote boot completed.
INFO uplogixClearCountersCompleted Clear counters completed.
NOTICE uplogixRommonStatusRecoveryCompleted Rommon status recovery completed.
INFO uplogixSendFileFtpCompleted Send file FTP completed.
INFO uplogixSendFileTftpCompleted Send file TFTP completed.
INFO uplogixSendFileXmodemCompleted Send file Xmodem completed.
INFO uplogixSetSerialSpeedCompleted Set serial speed completed.
INFO uplogixShowTechCompleted Show tech completed.
INFO uplogixSqueezePartitionCompleted Squeeze partition completed.
NOTICE uplogixOutletOnCompleted Turning on outlet completed.
INFO uplogixUpdateBootInformationCompleted Update boot information completed.
INFO uplogixClearPasswordCompleted Clear password completed.
NOTICE uplogixConfigRecoveryStatusCompleted Configuration recovery status completed.
INFO uplogixDeleteFileCompleted Delete file completed.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceCycleCompleted Interface cycle completed.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceOffCompleted Interface off completed.
NOTICE uplogixInterfaceOnCompleted Interface on completed.
NOTICE uplogixPowerCycleCompleted Power cycle completed.
NOTICE uplogixPowerOffCompleted Power off completed.
NOTICE uplogixPowerOnCompleted Power on completed.
INFO uplogixPreparePartitionCompleted Prepare partition completed.
INFO uplogixPullOSCompleted Pull OS completed.
INFO uplogixPullRunningConfigCompleted Pull running configuration completed.
INFO uplogixClearedPort Port cleared.
INFO uplogixPppCycleDurationCompleted PPP cycle duration completed.
INFO uplogixPppCycleHeartbeatCompleted PPP cycle heartbeat completed.
WARNING uplogixAssimilateFailed Assimilate failed.
WARNING uplogixNoStartupConfigRecoveryFailed No startup configuration recovery failed.
WARNING uplogixPullStartupConfigFailed Pull startup configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixChangeAuthenticationFailed Change authentication failed.
WARNING uplogixPushOSFailed Push OS failed.
WARNING uplogixPushRollbackConfigFailed Push rollback configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixPushRunningConfigFailed Push running configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixPushStartupConfigFailed Push startup configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixRebootFailed Reboot failed.
WARNING uplogixReceiveFileFtpFailed Receive file FTP failed.
WARNING uplogixReceiveFileTftpFailed Receive file TFTP failed.
WARNING uplogixRecoverFailed Recover failed.
WARNING uplogixOutletOffFailed Turning off outlet failed.
WARNING uplogixRecoverConfigurationFailed Recover configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixRommonRemoteBootFailed Rommon remote boot failed.
WARNING uplogixClearCountersFailed Clear counters failed.
WARNING uplogixRommonStatusRecoveryFailed Rommon status recovery failed.
WARNING uplogixSendFileFtpFailed Send file FTP failed.
WARNING uplogixSendFileTftpFailed Send file TFTP failed.
WARNING uplogixSendFileXmodemFailed Send file Xmodem failed.
WARNING uplogixSetSerialSpeedFailed Set serial speed failed.
WARNING uplogixShowTechFailed Show tech failed.
WARNING uplogixSqueezePartitionFailed Squeeze partition failed.
WARNING uplogixOutletOnFailed Turning on outlet failed.
WARNING uplogixUpdateBootInformationFailed Update boot information failed.
WARNING uplogixClearPasswordFailed Clear password failed.
WARNING uplogixConfigRecoveryStatusFailed Configuration recovery status failed.
WARNING uplogixDeleteFileFailed Delete file failed.
WARNING uplogixInterfaceCycleFailed Interface cycle failed.
WARNING uplogixInterfaceOffFailed Interface off failed.
WARNING uplogixInterfaceOnFailed Interface on failed.
WARNING uplogixPowerCycleFailed Power cycle failed.
WARNING uplogixPowerOffFailed Power off failed.
WARNING uplogixPowerOnFailed Power on failed.
WARNING uplogixPreparePartitionFailed Prepare partition failed.
WARNING uplogixPullOSFailed Pull OS failed.
WARNING uplogixPullRunningConfigFailed Pull running configuration failed.
WARNING uplogixDownloadFailed Download failed.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyBackupFailed System backup failed.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyRestoreFailed System restore failed.
WARNING uplogixEnvoyUpdateFailed System update failed.
WARNING uplogixUploadFailed Upload failed.
WARNING uplogixIptTestFailed SLV test failed.
WARNING uplogixScheduleJobFailed Failed to schedule job.
WARNING uplogixPppCycleDurationFailed PPP cycle duration failed.
WARNING uplogixPppCycleHeartbeatFailed PPP cycle heartbeat failed.
WARNING uplogixCollectGpsFailed Collect GPS failed.
WARNING uplogixSetPositionFailed Set GPS position failed.
WARNING uplogixCollectRemoteStateStatsFailed Collect remote state stats failed.
WARNING uplogixModemCheckFailed Modem Check Failed
ERROR uplogixFilesystemLow Appliance filesystem out of space
ERROR uplogixVpdInaccessible Appliance VPD inaccessible
ERROR ethernetInterfaceTurnedOff Ethernet interface turned off