Configuring Settings

Go to the Settings page by clicking Settings on the left menu to configure device types, device credentials, server settings, log settings, provisioning configuration, network settings, number of parallel firmware upgrades, timeouts, and retries.


If you change any settings related to discovery, you will need to refresh the list of devices.


Select the type of devices to use with Lantronix Provisioning Manager.

Setting Description
Device Type Choose REM (Remote Environment Management Devices), IOT (Internet of Things Gateways), and/or Switches.

Credentials File

Click the edit button to select a credentials file; this is a .CSV or .TDI file containing device credentials.

Click Save or press Enter to save the settings.

See Important Information on Device Credentials for more information.

.CSV credentials file contents

The first line of the .CSV credentials file should be macaddress,serialnumber,deviceid,username,password. Each subsequent line should follow the pattern with one device per line.

The MAC address must be supplied for each device in the file.

For example:


Lantronix Provisioning Manager will attempt to log in to each device in the .CSV file as follows:

  • LPM will attempt to log in using the provided username and password.
  • If username or password is not provided, LPM will attempt to log in using the last 8 characters of the deviceid as the password.
  • If login using the provided username and password fails, LPM will use the last 8 characters of the deviceid as the password.

.TDI credentials file contents

The first line of the .TDI file should be the version number. The second line should be serial_num,device_id,device_key,device_name,device_description. Each subsequent line should follow the pattern with one device per line.

For example:

0080A3A5425C,00204AKW08AH60EOZZ3S21G3XFS0Y3ET,,EDS-MD8,Lantronix EDS-MD8
0080A3C3078E,00204A839PGHQ5CW5O53JNACTC4NVWEO,,SLC8000_078e,SLC8000 Advanced Console Manager

Lantronix Provisioning Manager will attempt to log in to each device in the .TDI file using the last 8 characters of the device_id as the password.

Global Credentials

Click the edit button to configure the Global Credentials and specify the credentials Lantronix Provisioning Manager uses to authenticate all devices. If this is left blank and a device isn't listed in the credentials file, Lantronix Provisioning Manager will attempt to use that device's default credentials. See Important Information on Device Credentials for more information. Click Save or press Enter to save the settings.

Setting Description
Username This is the username used to authenticate the devices.
Password This is the password used to authenticate the devices.

Server Settings

Click the edit button to configure the SFTP/FTP server settings for downloading and transferring configuration and firmware files to REM devices. You can configure Lantronix Provisioning Manager to use an external SFTP server, an external FTP server, or allow LPM to function as an SFTP server to download the files.


An FTP or SFTP server is only necessary when working with REM devices. No configuration is necessary for IoT devices.

Setting Description
Server Type Select either SFTP or FTP. If you select SFTP, you can use either an external SFTP server, or allow Lantronix Provisioning Manager to act as the SFTP server.
If you select FTP, you must use an external FTP server. For the external server options, complete the Server IP Address, Username, Password, and Path fields as required.
Built-In Server (Selectable if Server Type is SFTP) If this option is checked, Lantronix Provisioning Manager acts as an SFTP server. This allows you to browse for configuration and firmware files on your local computer to send to devices.
For the external server options, complete the Server IP Address, Username, Password, and Path fields as required.
If this option is checked, you do not need to configure any other fields such as the server address. Click Save.
Server IP Address Enter the IP address of the SFTP/FTP server.
Username Enter the username used to authenticate to the SFTP/FTP server.
Password Enter the password used to authenticate to the SFTP/FTP server.
Path Enter the path to a folder on the server in which the firmware and configuration files are stored. This field is only used when Built-In Server is unchecked.
Sudo Password (macOS/Linux only) Enter the sudo password required. This option is required if Built-in Server is unchecked.


Configure Log Settings to choose the log's level of detail.

Setting Description
Log Level Choices are Info and Debug. Choose Debug to see additional information.

Provisioning Configuration

Click the edit button to specify the ConsoleFlow/Percepxion server settings. Click Save or press Enter to save the settings.

Setting Description
Central Management Server Hostname This is the hostname of the ConsoleFlow/Percepxion, for example "".
Project Admin Credentials This is the username and password used to log in to the Project Admin portal to import a device into a ConsoleFlow/Percepxion project.
Tenant Admin Credentials This is the username, password, portal, and organization used to log in to ConsoleFlow/Percepxion with a tenant admin or ConsoleFlow/Percepxion admin account. ConsoleFlow/Percepxion admins should provide their credentials here.

Use the LocalAdmin checkbox to indicate if the provided tenant admin credentials are used for local or remote (LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+, SAML) authentication. If checked, the provided credentials will be used for local authentication; if unchecked, the credentials are used for remote authentication.
Provision Type This is the ConsoleFlow/Percepxion deployment model and can be cloud or on-premise.

Network Settings

Click the edit button to configure the IP Range to scan for devices. Use the Interface List to select the network interface Lantronix Provisioning Manager will use. Lantronix Provisioning Manager scans the current subnet on all network ports for devices and the specified IP ranges, if set. Larger ranges take longer to scan and could result in timeout. See Timeouts and Retries below to configure timeouts and retries. Click Save or press Enter to save the settings.

Setting Description
Unicast IP Range The range of unicast IP addresses that Lantronix Provisioning Manager will scan to detect devices. Please write each IP range as "start_range-end_range", with each range on its own line. You may find that copying and pasting the IP ranges is less prone to error than typing them into the field. The range should be on the last byte of the IP address. Example:
Interface List This is the network interface used by Lantronix Provisioning Manager to scan for devices. An individual interface can be selected, or all interfaces can be selected.

Number of Parallel Firmware Upgrades

Click the edit button to configure the number of firmware upgrades to perform at the same time. Click Save or press Enter to save the setting.

Timeouts and Retries

Click the edit button next to each of the settings you wish to change. Configure the timeouts in seconds of Lantronix Provisioning Manager actions and the maximum number of retries. Click Save or press Enter to save the setting.

Setting Description
Firmware Upload Timeout Set the number of seconds to wait during a firmware upload before the operation is considered to have failed.
Discovery Timeout Set the number of seconds to discover devices.
Connection Timeout Set the number of seconds that the connection to a device should timeout. This excludes device discovery and firmware upload.
Operation Max Retries Set the maximum number of times Lantronix Provisioning Manager will retry an operation.