System Functions

System functions include ways to view and manage basic information about your XPort EDGE Embedded Ethernet Gateway. It includes the following functions:

Date and Time

Configure the gateway date and time through Clock settings. You can set the date and time either manually or by Network Time Protocol (NTP). Setting to NTP helps eliminate uneven calibration of time between devices. To configure the NTP server, see NTP Configuration Settings.

Setting the Date and Time

To set the date and time, perform a Clock status action.

In Web Manager, go to Clock, then click Set.

CLI settings: See Status Clock level

XML settings: See statusgroup Clock

Clock Configuration Settings

The following table describes the Web Manager Clock configuration settings.

Links to the equivalent settings for the CLI and XML reference are listed below.

CLI settings: See Config Clock level

XML settings: See configgroup clock

Clock Settings Description
Source Can be Manual or NTP. Manual allows the user to enter the date and time manually. The format for setting time is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where the hours are in 24-hour format. The gateway supports dates in the range of 2000-01-01 00:00:00 to 2100-12-31 23:59:59 UTC. NTP sets the source to NTP. This will synchronize the date and time to the UTC official standard for current time. NTP is the default settings.
UTC Offset UTC offset in minutes between the range of -1440 and 1440. List of common time zones and corresponding UTC offsets can be found at several websites, including the IANA Time Zone Database or the Wikipedia list of UTC time offsets. Offset to UTC is specified in minutes, between the ranges of -1440 and 1440 and can be up to 5 characters.


Network Time Protocol (NTP), is an Internet protocol used to synchronize computer clocks to an official standard for current time. The Simple NTP (SNTP) client is used to support Clock when it is set to NTP. When configured as the time Source, NTP will update the clock from the configured NTP server according to the frequency you set.

Use the NTP group to configure the NTP server hostname and sync time frequency. You can also initiate an immediate clock synchronization with the NTP server.

In Web Manager, go to NTP. Click Configuration or Status to configure the NTP server or view the NTP status and optionally, synchronize the clock with the NTP server.

In the CLI, see Config NTP level and Status NTP level.

In XML, see configgroup NTP.

The XML does not support the NTP Sync command.

NTP Configuration Settings

The following table describes the Web Manager NTP Settings configuration settings.

Links to the equivalent settings for the CLI and XML reference are listed below.

CLI settings: See Config NTP level

XML settings: See configgroup NTP

NTP Setting Description
Server Hostname The name or IP address of the NTP server (e.g., May contain 128 characters.
Sync Time The Sync Time in seconds, minutes and/or hours (e.g., "8 hours"). After a successful update, the NTP client waits the indicated Sync Time before querying again.

Power Management

Devices connected to the gateway are often power-sensitive. For example, a medical monitoring device may need to be always powered on, while a battery powered device may need to remain in standby mode during periods of inactivity.

The XPort EDGE Embedded Ethernet Gateway supports two dynamic power modes. The default power mode prevents a device from shutting down while the standby mode powers down the device as much as possible, according to the power requirements of the device and specific parameters that you set.

Dynamic Power Modes

There are two dynamic power modes.

Disabled Mode

Disabled mode prevents the device from shutting down. This is the default mode. Disabled mode allows the module to power down the Wi-Fi radio and system clocks while maintaining the power of the system state.

This mode offers a compromise between power consumption and wake up response time.

Standby Power Mode

Standby mode allows the device and CPU to power down or remain powered up according to the parameters you set.

Standby mode of operation offers the lowest power consumption. While in standby mode, only the real-time clock (RTC) is operating; the system runtime state is not preserved. This mode has the longest wake up response time, since the system state has to be reinitialized and connections reacquired.

You can specify the amount of time the device should remain powered up, as well as applications whose activity may keep the device up longer or wake it up sooner. The WKUP system pin can be enabled to wake up the device, and you can set a maximum period of time after which a powered down device will wake up.

To configure Standby power mode:

In Web Manager, go to Power > Standby.

Configure the power mode settings according to the needs of your device. See Power Configuration Settings below for details on each of the parameters.

For CLI, see Config Power level.

For XML, see configgroup Power.

Power Configuration Settings

The following table describes the Web Manager Power configuration settings that are displayed when Standby mode is selected.

Links to the equivalent settings for the CLI and XML reference are listed below.

CLI settings: See Config Power level

XML settings: See configgroup Power

In Web Manager, see Power.

Power Settings Description
Dynamic Power Mode Command to set the power mode.
Standby - powers down as much as possible, including the CPU; system runtime state is not preserved.
Disabled - prevents the device from powering down.
Time Powered Up The amount of time the device will hold power during Time Powered Up in seconds, minutes, hours or days. Default time powered up is 1 hour.
Application Command to specify applications. Allows an application to be in an appropriate state for graceful shutdown.
Command Line - holds power on till the last CLI user exits.
HTTP Server - holds power up during each HTTP client operation and for a configurable time afterward. This is based on the Inactivity Timeout value in the HTTP Server Configuration.
Keep AWAKE CP Role - holds power up while CP Role Keep AWAKE is asserted.
Tunnel Accept - holds power up while any Tunnel Accept connection is open.
Tunnel Connect - holds power up while any Tunnel Connect connection is open.
Any application selected for performance may hold the power on longer or wake up sooner.
Maximum Time Powered Down The maximum amount of time for the device to be powered down. After this time, the device wakes up.

User Management

The gateway is provided with an Admin level account with a default passphrase. It is recommended that you change the default passphrase after first use and periodically thereafter. For more information on keeping your device secure, see Securing Your Device.

Creating and Editing a User

In addition to setting a default passphrase for a new user account, you also set the user privilege level. There are three levels: Admin, Tech, and User.

Create new users, edit user privileges, and delete users. A user needs to be created before user passwords and privileges can be specified.

User Privileges

The user privilege level governs what a user is allowed to do:

  • User: Only allows the user access to areas with User Level set to “User.”
  • Tech: Only allows the user access to areas with User Level set to “User” or “Tech" within the designated Zones.
  • Admin: Allows access to all areas except where User Level set to “None”.

Zones: A Zone allows you to designate areas that a Tech user has access to. Zones are assigned to URIs in HTTP Server Security settings and also assigned to Tech Users. To specify that a Tech user can access a specific URI, make sure that the zone assigned to the Tech User matches the zone associated with the URI in the HTTP server security setting. To learn how to assign user access to specific URIs, see HTTP Server Security Access Control.

User Configuration Settings

The following table describes the Web Manager User configuration settings.

Links to the equivalent settings for the CLI and XML reference are listed below.

For CLI, see Config User level.

For XML, see configgroup User.

User Settings Description
Password Passphrase for the user account.
Privilege Privilege level for the user account. Choices are: Admin, Tech, or User.
Zones Available when Privilege is set to "Tech." Provides fine-grained access control to specific URIs configured in the HTTP server security settings.


The gateway captures a record of activities within a trouble log (tlog). The information is listed sequentially by time and provides a severity code for each event listed. The severity codes are listed below.

You can view the tlog from the Web Manager, as CLI output, or you can configure the serial Line to output tlog activity.

Accessing the Trouble Log

To view the trouble log from a web browser:

On an Internet browser, type "/tlog" after the module's IP address (http://<device IP address/tlog).

The tlog is displayed in the browser.

To configure a Line to tlog:

Configure Line 1 or a Virtual Line, and select "Trouble Log" as the protocol.

Access the line using a terminal or PC running a terminal emulator to view the tlog on the device.

To view the trouble log from the CLI:

From the CLI, type tlog from the root level.

Sample Trouble Log

A sample trouble log and description of the severity codes are listed below:

#    S Filename   Line  Description                                    Time
---- - ---------- ----- ---------------------------------------------- --------
   1 I ltrx_platf   208 Power on                                       00:00:00
   2 I ltrx_platf   272 Configuring default RTC time                   00:00:00
   3 I main.c       230 xPortEdge v1.9.0.0R3 May  2 2018 (10:57:54)    00:00:00
   4 I ltrx_spi_f   240 Winbond SPI flash 17 sec sz: 4K total: 2048    00:00:00
   5 I ltrx_spi_f   248 Current partition 2 @ 0x14200000 sz 0x1E0000   00:00:00
   6 I lffs.c      1448 Bank A: 992-1519  Bank B: 1520-2047            00:00:00
   7 I lffs.c       869 Using bank A 003E0000-005EFFFF                 00:00:00
   8 I lffs.c      1090 Root not found on bank A, switching to B       00:00:00
   9 I lffs.c       878 Using bank B 005F0000-007FFFFF                 00:00:00
Severity Code Description
P Emergency
A Alert
C Critical
E Error
W Warning
N Notice
I Informational
D Debug

System Identification

To view product information, serial number, firmware version and other details, and to save, reboot and restore the gateway to factory defaults, use the Device group.

To view system information:

In Web Manager, go to Device. The system information appears on the Device Status page.

You can also perform the following operations:

  • Save the configuration.
  • Reboot the module.
  • Reset the module to factory defaults.

See System Update and Recovery.

In the CLI, see Status Device level.

XML: Not Available

Sample Device Output

An example of device information is shown below:

status Device>show
Device Status:
  Product Type          : xPortEdge
  Product ID            : Y4
  Serial Number         : 0080A38BFCA7
  Configuration Version : [unversioned]
  Configuration Modified: Yes
  Firmware Version      :
  Active Partition      : 2
  Build Date            : May  2 2018 (10:57:54)
  Bootloader Version    :
  Bootloader Date       : Jan 24 2018 15:49:59
  Uptime                : 3 minutes 35 seconds
  Permanent Config      : Saved


Diagnostics displays details about the health and status of the gateway. The following diagnostics groups are displayed:

  • Buffer Pools
  • Hardware
  • Heap
  • IP Sockets
  • Modules
  • Ping
  • Ports
  • Threads

To view diagnostics details:

  • In Web Manager, go to Diagnostics.
  • For CLI, issue Diagnostics from the Status level. See Status Diagnostics level.
  • For XML, export the status group for diagnostics using the CLI (xsr dump [group-list]) or Web API (export status group).

All groups except Ping are display only.

Ping Settings Description
Host DNS hostname or IP address to send ping request to
Timeout How long to wait (seconds) for a response for each ping packet sent
Count Number of ping packets to send
Data Length Number of data bytes to be sent in the ping packet. The default is 64 bytes. Enter a range between 64 and 1452 bytes.