Additional Information

Intellectual Property

Lantronix and XPort are registered trademarks of Lantronix, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Patented:; additional patents pending.


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Technical Support

Lantronix Technical Support offers many resources to support our customers and products. For instance, ask a question, find firmware downloads, access the FTP site and search through tutorials, FAQs, bulletins, warranty information, extended support services, and product documentation.

To contact technical support or sales, look up your local office. When you report a problem, please provide the following information:

  • Your name, company name, address, and phone number
  • Lantronix product and model number
  • Lantronix MAC address or serial number
  • Firmware version and current configuration
  • Description of the problem
  • Status of the unit when the problem occurred (please try to include information on user and network activity at the time of the problem).

Revision History

Date Revision Comments
December 2021 A Initial document for firmware 4.9.

Version History

We recommend that you update your firmware version to get the latest features.

For the latest version, see the XPort EDGE Release Notes.

You can find the documentation for your version below.

Release Version First Release
XPort EDGE 1.9 June 2018
XPort EDGE 2.0 July 2018
XPort EDGE 3.0 January 2019
XPort EDGE 3.1 March 2019
XPort EDGE 3.2 April 2019
XPort EDGE 3.3 June 2019
XPort EDGE 3.5 August 2019
XPort EDGE 4.0 May 2020
XPort EDGE 4.2 July 2020
XPort EDGE 4.8 August 2021
XPort EDGE 4.9 December 2021

Additional Documentation

Visit the Lantronix web site for the latest documentation and the following additional documentation.

Document Description
XPort EDGE Embedded Ethernet Gateway Evaluation Kit User Guide Provides information needed to set up the XPort EDGE evaluation kit.
XPort EDGE Integration Guide Provides information needed to integrate the XPort EDGE into customer-printed circuit boards. This includes instructions for connecting various module pin function groups, and general module placement and mounting.
XPort EDGE SDK User Guide Describes how to build and securely deploy applications using the XPort EDGE SDK.
XPort EDGE Datasheet Contains detailed technical and compliance specifications about the XPort EDGE.
XPort EDGE Embedded Ethernet Gateway Product Brief Provides a quick reference to XPort EDGE technical specifications.

For regular updates to Lantronix documentation and to receive product change notifications, register at the Lantronix homepage.

Open Source Software Declaration

This section contains licenses and notices for open-source software used in this product.

Your use of each open-source component or software is subject to the terms of the applicable license. Lantronix grants you no right to receive source code to the Open-Source software; however, in some cases, rights and access to source code for certain Open-Source software may be available directly from Lantronix’s licensors.


MQTT Paho (Version 3.1.1)

Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 IBM Corp.

All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is available at and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

Jasmin JSON Parser

Copyright (c) 2010 Serge A. Zaitsev.

Distributed under the MIT License, available at

B64 Encoding/Decoding (Version 1.2.1)

Creative common public domain license

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