XML Reference

Index of XML Groups and Items

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configgroup Clock

These settings pertain to the Clock settings for keeping time.

configitem Source


Source may be "Manual" or "NTP".

configitem UTC Offset


UTC Offset is allowed to have negative values.

UTC Offset has units of minutes.

UTC Offset must be in the range of -1440 to 1440, and be a multiple of 15 minutes.

Lists of common time zones and corresponding UTC Offset can be found at several websites, including "http://www.iana.org/time-zones".

configgroup CPM

These settings pertain to the Configurable Pin Manager (CPM).

NOTE: Changes may take effect immediately or require reboot, so you should reboot after changing CPM Role configurations.

configitem Role

"Ethernet Link" is Link UP while eth0 is up.

"Factory Defaults" active for timed interval will reset configuration to factory defaults.

"HTTP Server Trigger" turns on HTTP Server if Mode is "Triggered".

"Line 1 DSR" read by application.

"Line 1 DTR" set by application.

"Line 1 Flow.CTS" allows send if Flow Control is "Hardware".

"Line 1 Flow.RTS" active says can receive if Flow Control is "Hardware".

"Modbus Input 1" can be read by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Input 2" can be read by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Input 3" can be read by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Input 4" can be read by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Output 1" can be written by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Output 2" can be written by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Output 3" can be written by Modbus TCP.

"Modbus Output 4" can be written by Modbus TCP.

"User Data Updated" is active when user data changes, till Acknowledge action.

value CP

Blank the value for "<No CP Selected>".

This is the number of the Configurable Pin (CP) assigned to the role.

value State

State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" allows the application to use the designated Configurable Pin.

Note that some Roles (those containing a ".") are bundled into a group. Enabling / Disabling any one of them also Enables / Disables the rest of the Roles in the same Group.

value Assert

Assert may be "High" or "Low".

Assert reflects the logical polarity of this Configurable Pin.

"High" means that a logical "1" corresponds to a voltage high condition on the pin.

"Low" means that a logical "1" corresponds to a voltage low condition on the pin.

value Mode

Mode may be "Push-Pull" or "Weak Pullup".

For a high impedance input, select "Push-Pull".

configgroup Device

Restore default "Buffers" value by setting it blank.

After saving Device settings, a Reboot is required for them to take effect.

Bridge performance depends heavily on the number of buffers in the "Receive" Buffer Pool.

NOTE: Increasing the buffers will consume RAM. If the device has insufficient RAM for all of the configured applications, the device may not be able to operate normally; in this case, use serial recovery and erase Flash to back out the settings.

HINT: First complete all of your other settings, save, reboot, and run your applications for a while. Then, without rebooting, adjust the Buffers here in Device configuration.

configitem Buffer Pool

value Buffers

No help available

configgroup Ethernet

The XML instance must be "eth0".

These settings pertain to the Ethernet link in the device. Changes take effect immediately. After saving the changes, re-establish any connections to the Ethernet link.

configitem RMII Mode


RMII Mode may be "PHY" or "Switch".

configitem PHY Address


No help available.

configitem Speed


Speed may be "Auto", "10" or "100".

configitem Duplex


Duplex may be "Half" or "Full".

configitem MDIO Logging


MDIO Logging may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem EAP Authentication


EAP Authentication may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem IEEE 8021X


IEEE 8021X may be "EAP-TLS", "EAP-TTLS", "PEAP" or "FAST".

configitem Username


Username may contain up to 63 characters.

configitem Password


Password may contain up to 63 characters.

configitem Credentials


Credentials may contain up to 30 characters.

configitem EAP-TTLS Option


EAP-TTLS Option may be "EAP-MSCHAPV2", "MSCHAPV2", "MSCHAP", "CHAP", "PAP" or "EAP-MD5".

configitem PEAP ver


PEAP ver may be "0" or "1".

configitem PEAP Option


PEAP Option may be "EAP-MSCHAPV2", "EAP-MD5" or "EAP-TLS".

configitem PEAP Credentials


PEAP Credentials may contain up to 30 characters.

configitem FAST Option


FAST Option may be "MD5", "MSCHAPV2" or "GTC".

configgroup HTTP Server

These settings pertain to the HTTP Server. Changes will take effect after reboot.

configitem Mode


Mode may be "Disabled", "Enabled" or "Triggered".

"Disabled" prevents HTTP from operating on any port.

"Enabled" allows the HTTP Server to operate.

"Triggered" waits for CPM Role "HTTP Server Trigger" to become active. Then the HTTP Server stays up indefinitely.

configitem Port


Enter 0 for "<None>".

The default Port can be overridden.

configitem Secure Port


Enter 0 for "<None>".

The default Secure Port (TLS) can be overridden.

configitem Secure Credential


Secure Credential may contain up to 30 characters.

The Secure Credential specifies the name of the TLS Server Credential to be used for the secure connection.

configitem Authentication Timeout


Authentication Timeout has units of minutes, hours, and/or days.

The Authentication Timeout applies only if Digest authentication is being used.

configitem Inactivity Timeout


Inactivity Timeout has units of seconds, minutes, and/or hours.

The Inactivity Timeout applies only if the Application "HTTP Server" is enabled in the Power settings.

The HTTP Server will hold power on this long after it completes a request.

configitem Access-Control-Allow-Origin


Access-Control-Allow-Origin may contain up to 50 characters.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin is a newer security mechanism supported by some browsers. This feature is also referred to as CORS.

When blank (by default), CORS is disabled.

Set a name to enable CORS. Use "*" for wildcard, but beware this exposes the device to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

configgroup HTTP Server Security

These settings pertain to the HTTP Server Security. Changes take effect immediately.

configitem Access Control

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 9.

value URI

URI may contain up to 255 characters.

The HTTP Server can be configured with many different authentication directives. The authentication is hierarchical in that any URI can be given an authentication directive in order to override a parent URI authentication directive.

The URI must begin with /.

For example, create URI "/Welcome", then place your "hello.html" file in directory "/http/Welcome/", finally point your browser to "<device IP address>/Welcome/hello.html" to experiment with the authorization levels.

The following URIs are built into the server:

"/action/status" Action Web API

"/ajax" Web Manager helper

"/export/config" Config export Web API

"/export/status" Status export Web API

"/import/config" Config import Web API

"/wm/firmware_upgrade" Web Manager upgrade firmware

"/wm/fs/copy" Web Manager copy file

"/wm/fs/mkdir" Web Manager make directory

"/wm/fs/rename" Web Manager rename file

"/wm/fs/rm" Web Manager remove file

"/wm/fs/rmdir" Web Manager remove directory

"/wm/fs/upload" Web Manager upload file

"/fs" File System Web API

"/logout" Digest authentication

"/mux_http" Mux HTTP listener

"/tlog" Trouble log

"/upgrade" Firmware Upgrade Web API

"/wm/pkcs12_upload" Web Manager PKCS12 upload

value AuthType

AuthType may be "None", "Basic", "Digest", "TLS", "TLS Basic" or "TLS Digest".

"None" provides no authentication.

"Basic" encodes passwords using Base64.

"Digest" hashes passwords using MD5.

"TLS" encrypts data but provides no authentication.

"TLS Basic" encrypts data and encodes passwords using Base64.

"TLS Digest" encrypts data and hashes passwords using MD5.

value User Level

User Level may be "User", "Tech", "Admin" or "None".

"User" provides access to all users.

"Tech" provides users with Privilege "Tech" access only if one or more of their Zones are configured here. Users with Privilege "Admin" also have access.

"Admin" provides access only to users with Privilege "Admin".

"None" provides access to no users.

value Zones

Zones may contain combinations of "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E".

Select the Zones to be provided Tech access to this URI.

The meaning of the zones is determined by how you define them here. For example, say you define zones A and B via Access Controls:

  • /Toasters Tech A
  • /Blenders Tech B

Then over in Users you may reference zones:

  • admin Admin (has access to everything)
  • barry Tech A (has access to Toasters)
  • cindy Tech B (has access to Blenders)
  • david Tech A B (has access to Toasters and Blenders)
  • edwin User (has access to neither)

configitem Config

The XML instance may range from 1 to 9.

value Group

Group may contain up to 30 characters.

The Group identifies the configuration group to which permissions apply. The authentication is hierarchical, similar to the access control URI.

The wildcard "" in Group* applies to all groups except "User" and "HTTP Server Security" which have their own rules.

value User Level

User Level may be "User", "Tech", "Admin" or "None".

"User" permits all users to change settings.

"Tech" permits users with Privilege "Tech" to change settings in the Group if one or more of their Zones are configured here. Users with Privilege "Admin" may also change settings.

"Admin" permits users with Privilege "Admin" to change settings in the Group.

"None" denies changes in the Group by any user.

value Zones

Zones may contain combinations of "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E".

Select the Zones to be provided Tech permission to this Group.

configitem Status

The XML instance may range from 1 to 9.

value Group

Group may contain up to 30 characters.

The Group identifies the status group to which permissions apply. The authentication is hierarchical, similar to the access control URI.

The wildcard "" in Group* applies to all groups.

value Optional Item

Optional Item may contain up to 30 characters.

If not blank, the Optional Item name further narrows permissions.

value Optional Action

Optional Action may contain up to 30 characters.

If not blank, the Optional Action name further narrows permissions.

value User Level

User Level may be "User", "Tech", "Admin" or "None".

"User" permits all users to perform actions.

"Tech" permits users with Privilege "Tech" to perform actions in the Group if one or more of their Zones are configured here. Users with Privilege "Admin" may also perform actions.

"Admin" permits users with Privilege "Admin" to perform actions in the Group.

"None" denies actions in the Group by any user.

value Zones

Zones may contain combinations of "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E".

Select the Zones to be provided Tech permission to this Group.

configgroup Interface

The XML instance must be "eth0".

These settings pertain to the Network Interface on the device. To see the effect of these selections after a reboot, view the corresponding Status. Changes will take effect after reboot or wake from standby.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" allows the Interface to operate.

configitem Hostname


Hostname may contain up to 63 characters.

Hostname must begin with a letter or number, continue with letter, number, or hyphen, and must end with a letter or number.

If DHCP Client is "Enabled", the Hostname is sent to the remote DHCP Server and may figure into the address assignment. See also Domain which is appended to the Hostname when sending to the remote DHCP Server.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem MSS


MSS has units of bytes.

The Maximum Segment Size (MSS) applies to TCP connections on the Interface. This can be useful to avoid fragmentation over the network, which may be required because this device does not perform reassembly.

configitem DHCP Client


DHCP Client may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

When "Enabled", any configured IP Address or Default Gateway will be ignored. DHCP Client will auto-discover and eclipse those configuration items. Hostname and / or Default Gateway is sent to the remote DHCP Server and may figure into the address assignment.

When DHCP Client fails to discover an IP Address, a new address will automatically be generated using AutoIP. This address will be within the 169.254.x.x space.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem DHCP Server


DHCP Server may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem IP Address


IP Address may contain up to 31 characters.

IP Address may be entered alone, in CIDR form, or with an explicit mask:

  • (default mask)
  • (CIDR)
  • (explicit mask)

The IP Address will be displayed always in CIDR, the canonical form.

configitem Default Gateway


Default Gateway may contain up to 15 characters.

For ap0, which has a DHCP Server, the Default Gateway (if present) is placed into DHCP response option 3.

Other interfaces refer to the Default Gateway only if DHCP Client is disabled.

configitem Domain


Domain may contain up to 128 characters.

NOTE: A fully qualified domain name must end with a period, for example, "lantronix.com."; a partial Domain will not have a trailing"." and is not fully qualified.

If DHCP Client is "Enabled", it concatenates the Hostname with Domain and requests the DHCP server to update the DNS A and PTR RRs.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem Primary DNS


Primary DNS may contain up to 15 characters.

For ap0, which has a DHCP Server, the Primary DNS (if present) is placed into DHCP response option 6. If neither the Primary DNS nor Secondary DNS is present in the ap0 configuration, the DHCP Server offers its own simple DNS.

Other interfaces refer to the Primary DNS only if DHCP Client is disabled.

The Primary DNS is the first choice when performing a Domain Name lookup.

configitem Secondary DNS


Secondary DNS may contain up to 15 characters.

For ap0, which has a DHCP Server, the Secondary DNS (if present) is placed into DHCP response option 6. If neither the Primary DNS nor Secondary DNS is present in the ap0 configuration, the DHCP Server offers its own simple DNS.

Other interfaces refer to the Secondary DNS only if DHCP Client is disabled.

The Secondary DNS is the second choice when performing a Domain Name lookup.

configitem IPv6 State


IPv6 State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem DHCPv6 Client


DHCPv6 Client may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

DHCPv6_Client: Enables the stateful address autoconfiguration of IPv6 When it is enabled, device will start DHCPv6 client service & get the IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 serevr as per RFC-3315. (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3315)

configitem IPv6 Auto Configuration


IPv6 Auto Configuration may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

IPv6 Auto Configuration: Enables the stateless adddress autoconfiguration of IPv6 When it is enabled, device will generate its own IPv6b address from prefix in Router Advertisements & its MAC address as per RFC-4862 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4862)

configitem IPv6 Address


IPv6 Address may contain up to 42 characters.

IPv6 Address: The preferred form is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where the 'x's are one to four hexadecimal digits of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address as per RFC-4291 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291)

Examples: ABCD:EF01:2345:6789: ABCD:EF01:2345:6789, 2001:DB8:0:0:8:800:200C:417A

It supports compressed form of IPv6 Addresses

configitem IPv6 Default Gateway


IPv6 Default Gateway may contain up to 42 characters.

IPv6 Default Gateway: is used only if DHCPv6 Client is disabled, and provides the IPv6 Address of the router.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem IPv6 Primary DNS


IPv6 Primary DNS may contain up to 42 characters.

IPv6 Primary DNS: is the first choice when performing IPv6 Domain Name lookup.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem IPv6 Secondary DNS


IPv6 Secondary DNS may contain up to 42 characters.

IPv6 Secondary DNS: is the second choice when performing IPv6 Domain Name lookup.

This setting is not applicable to ap0.

configitem Name


Name may contain up to 15 characters.

configgroup Line

*The XML *instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

These settings pertain to the Serial Line. Changes take effect immediately.

configitem Name


Name may contain up to 25 characters.

The Name is for display purposes only.

configitem Interface


Interface may be "RS232", "RS485 Half-Duplex" or "RS485 Full-Duplex".

configitem Tx to Rx delay


Tx to Rx delay has units of milliseconds.

The Tx to Rx delay can be specified for the RS485 Half-Duplex (2 wire) mode. This is the delay after sending the last character out the wire, before switching to receive mode.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" allows the Serial Line to operate.

configitem Protocol


Protocol may be "Azure IoT", "Command Line", "ConsoleFlow Interface", "LPD", "Modbus ASCII", "Modbus RTU", "Modem Emulation", "Monitor", "Mux", "None", "Trouble Log" or "Tunnel".

Protocol selects the application to connect to the Line.

"Command Line" sets up a user interface containing commands to show device status and to change configuration. Simply paste in XML configuration to apply its settings to the device.

"ConsoleFlow Interface" provides a command interface to the ConsoleFlow serial API.

"Modbus ASCII" talks to programmable logic controllers via ASCII with checksum.

"Modbus RTU" talks to programmable logic controllers via binary with CRC.

"Modem Emulation" implements legacy AT commands.

"Monitor" captures selected data.

"Mux" provides commands for sending / receiving data on multiple network connections.

"None" enables Line action commands.

"Trouble Log" sets up an output-only message log on the device.

"Tunnel" sets up the Line to work with the Tunnel application. See the Tunnel configuration options for details.

configitem Baud Rate


Baud Rate has units of bits per second.

When specifying a Custom baud rate in the Web Manager, select 'Custom' from the drop down list and then enter the desired rate in the text box.

configitem Parity


Parity may be "None", "Even" or "Odd".

configitem Data Bits


Data Bits may be "7" or "8".

configitem Stop Bits


Stop Bits may be "1" or "2".

configitem Flow Control


Flow Control may be "None", "Hardware" or "Software".

configitem Xon Char


Xon Char may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

configitem Xoff Char


Xoff Char may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

configitem Gap Timer


Gap Timer has units of milliseconds.

Blank the value for "<Four Character Periods>".

The driver forwards received serial bytes after the Gap Timer delay from the last character received. By default, the delay is four character periods at the current baud rate (minimum 1 ms) for those Line types that support adjustable baud rates.

configitem Threshold


Threshold has units of bytes.

The driver will forward received characters after Threshold bytes have been received.

configitem Push


Push may contain up to 2 bytes.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

If defined, the driver will forward received characters after the Push sequence of characters is received.

configgroup Power

These settings pertain to Power levels required by the device. Changes take effect immediately.

configitem Dynamic Power Mode


Dynamic Power Mode may be "Disabled" or "Standby".

"Disabled" prevents the device from powering down.

"Standby" powers down as much as is possible, including the CPU. System runtime state is not preserved.

configitem Time Powered Up


Time Powered Up has units of seconds, minutes, hours, and/or days.

The device holds power on for Time Powered Up duration.

After the Time Powered Up duration, power might continue to be held on for other reasons:

Any enabled Application can hold power on.

configitem Application

If any Application is "Enabled", the application may hold power on longer or wake up sooner. This provides a mechanism to allow an application to be in an appropriate state for graceful shutdown.

"Command Line" holds power on till the last CLI user exits.

"HTTP Server" holds power up during each HTTP client operation and for a configurable time afterward.

"Keep AWAKE CP Role" holds power on till Keep AWAKE CP Role pin goes active.

"Tunnel Accept" holds power up while any Tunnel Accept connection is open.

"Tunnel Connect" holds power up while any Tunnel Connect connection is open.

value State

State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" allows this Application to hold power on.

configitem Maximum Time Powered Down


Maximum Time Powered Down has units of seconds, minutes, hours, and/or days.

The device wakes up after being down Maximum Time Powered Down.

The device may also wake up earlier if called for by an enabled Application.

configgroup User

These settings pertain to each User on the device.

configitem Password


Password may contain up to 32 characters.

configitem Privilege


Privilege may be "User", "Tech" or "Admin".

Sets the user Privilege which governs what they can do.

"User" has access only to areas with User Level set to "User".

"Tech" has access only to areas with User Level set to "User" or with User Level set to "Tech" within the designated Zones.

"Admin" has access to all except areas with User Level set to "None".

configitem Zones


Zones may contain combinations of "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E".

Zones designate areas that a "Tech" has access to.

The meaning of the zones is determined by how you define them over in HTTP Server Security Access Controls. For example, say you define zones A and B via Access Controls:

  • /Toasters Tech A
  • /Blenders Tech B

Then here you may reference zones:

  • admin Admin (has access to everything)
  • barry Tech A (has access to Toasters)
  • cindy Tech B (has access to Blenders)
  • david Tech A B (has access to Toasters and Blenders)
  • edwin User (has access to neither)

configgroup XML Import Control

configitem Restore Factory Configuration


Restore Factory Configuration may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem Reboot


Reboot may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem Missing Values


Missing Values may be "Unchanged" or "Set to Default".

configitem DHCPv6 Client State


DHCPv6 Client State may contain one byte.

configitem DHCPv6 Client Record


DHCPv6 Client Record may contain up to 240 bytes.

configgroup AES Credential

Each AES Credential holds a secret Encrypt Key and Decrypt Key for secure communication.

configitem Encrypt Key


Encrypt Key may contain up to 32 bytes.

The Encrypt Key is used for encrypting outgoing data.

The Key is 16, 24, or 32 bytes in length. Any Key entered that is less than one of these is padded with zeroes. A byte specification comprises two nibble specifications with no intervening space. A nibble specification is a single digit from 0 to 9 or from "a" to "f" (representing 10 through 15).
Example Hexadecimal key: 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

To remove the Key, set it blank.

Note that the Key is a shared secret so it must be known by both sides of the connection and kept secret.

configitem Decrypt Key


Decrypt Key may contain up to 32 bytes.

The Decrypt Key is used for decrypting incoming data.

The Key is 16, 24, or 32 bytes in length. Any Key entered that is less than one of these is padded with zeroes. A byte specification comprises two nibble specifications with no intervening space. A nibble specification is a single digit from 0 to 9 or from "a" to "f" (representing 10 through 15).
Example Hexadecimal key: 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

To remove the Key, set it blank.

Note that the Key is a shared secret so it must be known by both sides of the connection and kept secret.

configgroup Azure

These settings pertain to Azure IoT connection information. Only one line can be assigned to the Azure IoT protocol.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Disabled" turns Azure IoT off.

"Enabled" turns Azure IoT on.

configitem Hub Name


Hub Name may contain up to 64 characters.

The Hub Name created through the Azure portal.

configitem Device ID


Device ID may contain up to 128 characters.

The Device ID of the device.

configitem Security


Security may be "Security Keys" or "X.509 Certificate".

The Security type.

configitem SAS Token


SAS Token may contain up to 256 characters.

SAS Token (Shared Access Signature) is applicable when Security is set to "Security Keys". The SAS Token incorporates all of the information necessary to grant controlled access to a storage resource.

configitem Credential Name


Credential Name may contain up to 256 characters.

Credential Name is applicable when Security is set to "X.509 Certificate". It is the name of the credential to be found in TLS Credentials.

configitem MQTT Local Port


Blank the value for "<Random>".

configitem Receive Buffer


Receive Buffer has units of bytes.

Receive Buffer sets the allowed maximum size of device message that can be received from Azure.

Watch out in the tlog for the critical error message, "MQTT received xxxx bytes, but buffer is yyyy" Set Receive Buffer to have sufficient capacity for your application.

WARNING: Do not make the Receive Buffer larger than needed. The device may become unstable and crash without sufficient memory. Also consider removing unneeded modules.

configitem Reply Buffer


Reply Buffer has units of bytes.

Reply Buffer sets the allowed maximum size of the device reply to Azure.

Watch out on the Azure side for an error reply, "Needed xxx bytes; Reply Buffer capacity is yyy bytes." Set Reply Buffer to have sufficient capacity for your application.

WARNING: Do not make the Reply Buffer larger than needed. The device may become unstable and crash without sufficient memory. Also consider removing unneeded modules.

configgroup CLI Server

These settings pertain to the CLI Server. Changes take effect immediately.

configitem Inactivity Timeout


Inactivity Timeout has units of minutes, and/or hours.

Enter 0 for "<None>".

After this time period with no activity, the CLI Server will close the connection.

configitem Telnet

value Mode

Mode may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

value Interface

Interface may be "Any" or "eth0".

value Port

The CLI Server listens on this port for incoming Telnet connections.

configgroup Discovery

The XML instance must be "eth0".

These settings pertain to Discovery. Changes take effect immediately.

Query Port is a Lantronix discovery protocol server. It implements a simple proprietary discovery service on port 0x77FE (30718).

configitem Query Port

value State

State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" allows the device to be discovered.

"Disabled" prevents discovery from finding the device.

configgroup ConsoleFlow Device

These settings pertain to the ConsoleFlow management platform.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem Status Update Interval


Status Update Interval has units of minutes, hours, and/or days.

The Status Update Interval is the period of time that ConsoleFlow waits between updating device status to the cloud.

The Status Update Interval can be configured between 1 minute and 1 day (1440 minutes).

configitem Content Check Interval


Content Check Interval has units of hours, and/or days.

The Content Check Interval is the period of time that ConsoleFlow waits between checking the cloud for updates to firmware and configuration.

The Content Check Interval can be configured between 1 hour and 90 days (2160 hours).

configitem Apply Firmware Updates


Apply Firmware Updates may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem Apply Configuration Updates


Apply Configuration Updates may be "Never", "If Unchanged" or "Always".

If the If Unchanged option is selected, configuration updates will only be applied if the current configuration has not been locally modified.

configitem Reboot After Configuration Update


Reboot After Configuration Update may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

If enabled, this setting will automatically reboot after a successful configuration upgrade.

The device will always reboot after a successful firmware upgrade.

configitem Device Name


Device Name may contain up to 63 characters.

The Device Name must be at least 2 characters long, and may contain alphanumeric, hyphen, or underscore characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9,-,_) only. The first and last characters must be alphanumeric.

configitem Device Description


Device Description may contain up to 63 characters.

The Device Description is optional.

configitem Additional Logging


Additional Logging may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

When enabled, ConsoleFlow will provide more information in the Trouble Log.

configitem Active Connection


Active Connection may be "<number>".

The Active Connection specifies which connection parameters will be used in communication with the cloud.

configitem Connection

The XML instance may range from 1 to 2.

The Connections define the parameters to use in communication with the cloud.

Up to 2 Connections can be defined, with the Active Connection selecting which will be used.

value Domain

Domain may contain up to 63 characters.

The Domain specifies the ConsoleFlow cloud host.

value Local Port

Blank the value for "<Random>".

The Local Port is random by default but can be overridden here.

Note: If you have bridging enabled, you will need to specify a non-random value here in order for ConsoleFlow to operate correctly.

configitem MQTT State

MQTT State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

This controls whether ConsoleFlow will use MQTT to communicate with the cloud.

Note: MQTT requires a persistent connection.

value MQTT Domain

MQTT Domain may contain up to 63 characters.

The MQTT Domain specifies the ConsoleFlow MQTT cloud host.

value MQTT Local Port

Blank the value for "<Random>".

The MQTT Local Port is random by default but can be overridden here.

Note: If you have bridging enabled, you will need to specify a non-random value here in order for ConsoleFlow to operate correctly.

configgroup ConsoleFlow Line

*The XML *instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

These settings pertain to the ConsoleFlow management platform.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configitem Project Tag


Project Tag may contain up to 63 characters.

configitem Status Update Interval


Status Update Interval has units of minutes, hours, and/or days.

The Status Update Interval is the period of time that ConsoleFlow waits between updating device status to the cloud.

The Status Update Interval can be configured between 1 minute and 1 day (1440 minutes).

configitem Content Check Interval


Content Check Interval has units of hours, and/or days.

The Content Check Interval is the period of time that ConsoleFlow waits between checking the cloud for updates to firmware and configuration.

The Content Check Interval can be configured between 1 hour and 90 days (2160 hours).

configgroup LPD

The XML instance must be "1".

These configurables are for the Line Printer Daemon (LPD).

configitem Banner


Banner may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Enabling Banner will force the banner page to be printed even if the incoming print job does not specify to do so.

configitem Binary


Binary may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Enabling Binary will pass the entire file to the printer without removing any characters. Disabled, only valid ascii and control characters are passed; all others are stripped. Valid control characters include the tab, linefeed, formfeed, backspace, and newline.

configitem SOJ Text


SOJ Text may contain up to 100 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

To send a Start Of Job (SOJ) string to the printer, enter the appropriate string.

configitem EOJ Text


EOJ Text may contain up to 100 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

To send an End Of Job (EOJ) string to the printer, enter the appropriate string.

configitem Formfeed


Formfeed may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Enabling Formfeed will force a formfeed to be sent to the printer at the end of each print job.

configitem Convert Newline


Convert Newline may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Enabling Convert Newline will convert single newlines and single carriage returns into DOS style carriage return + linefeed line endings; if carriage return and linefeed characters are already in the correct DOS line-ending order, they will remain unchanged.

configitem Queue Name


Queue Name may contain up to 32 characters.

A Queue Name may not contain white space.

configgroup Modbus

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

These settings pertain to Modbus in the device for the associated line.

configitem TCP Server State


TCP Server State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Disabled" turns Modbus off.

"Enabled" turns Modbus on.

configitem Port


Enter 0 for "<None>".

Port is required for the Modbus to accept a connection.

configitem Response Timeout


Response Timeout has units of milliseconds.

Response Timeout is the timeout waiting for a response from slave device.

configgroup Modem Emulation

*The XML *instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

Connections can be initiated and accepted using Modem "AT" commands incoming from the Serial Line.

configitem Listen Port


Blank the value for "<None>".

Specify a Listen Port to accept connections on.

configitem Connect Local Port


Blank the value for "<Random>".

Optionally specify a Connect Local Port for ATD connections. Note that this is necessary for operation while bridging.

configitem Echo Pluses


Echo Pluses may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" means pluses will be echoed back during a "pause +++ pause" escape sequence on the Serial Line.

configitem Echo Commands


Echo Commands may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (ATE1) means characters read on the Serial Line will be echoed while the Line is in Modem Command Mode.

configitem Verbose Response


Verbose Response may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (ATQ0) means Modem Response Codes are sent out on the Serial Line.

configitem Response Type


Response Type may be "Text" or "Numeric".

Either "Text" (ATV1) or "Numeric" (ATV0) representation for the Modem Response Codes are sent out on the Serial Line.

configitem Error Unknown Commands


Error Unknown Commands may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (ATU0) means ERROR is returned on the Serial Line for unrecognized AT commands.

"Disabled" (ATU1) means OK is returned for unrecognized AT commands.

configitem Incoming Connection


Incoming Connection may be "Disabled", "Automatic" or "Manual".

"Disabled" (ATS0=0) will refuse to answer.

"Automatic" (ATS0=1) will answer immediately.

"Manual" (ATS0=2 or higher) may be answered via the ATA command after an incoming RING.

configitem Connect String


Connect String may contain up to 30 characters.

The Connect String is a customized string that is sent to the Serial Line with the CONNECT Modem Response Code.

configitem Display Remote IP


Display Remote IP may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" means the incoming RING sent on the Serial Line is followed by the IP address of the caller.

configgroup Monitor Initialization

These settings pertain to Monitor Initialization in the device.

Monitor will process any initialization message before it starts polling or process any control message. Response captured during initialization will be overwritten by any poll or control response.

configitem Initial Delay


Initial Delay has units of milliseconds.

Sets Initial Delay waited before monitor start processing any initialization message.

configitem Message

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 4.

value Command

Command may contain up to 32 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

Sets the Command in binary format.

Binary format takes printable characters (e.g. 'abc' for characters 'a', 'b' and 'c') or binary string (e.g. [0xa, 0xd] for line feed and carriage return).

value End Character

End Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

Sets the End Character to indicate end of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Length

Length has units of bytes.

Sets the Length of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Timeout

Timeout has units of milliseconds.

Blank the value for "<Minimum>".

Sets the Timeout to receive response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

configgroup Monitor Control

These settings pertain to Monitor Control in the device.

Control Message will be processed after receiving status action Send. Response will overwrite any response captured during initialization or poll. Response must be read before sending another status action Send or buffer will be reset.

configitem Message

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 4.

value Command

Command may contain up to 32 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

Sets the Command in binary format.

Binary format takes printable characters (e.g. 'abc' for characters 'a', 'b' and 'c') or binary string (e.g. [0xa, 0xd] for line feed and carriage return).

value End Character

End Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

Sets the End Character to indicate end of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Length

Length has units of bytes.

Sets the Length of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Timeout

Timeout has units of milliseconds.

Blank the value for "<Minimum>".

Sets the Timeout to receive response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

configgroup Monitor Poll

These settings pertain to Monitor Poll in the device.

Poll Message will be processed periodically. Response will overwrite any response captured during initialization or poll.

configitem Message

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 4.

value Command

Command may contain up to 32 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

Sets the Command in binary format.

Binary format takes printable characters (e.g. 'abc' for characters 'a', 'b' and 'c') or binary string (e.g. [0xa, 0xd] for line feed and carriage return).

value End Character

End Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

Sets the End Character to indicate end of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Length

Length has units of bytes.

Sets the Length of response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

value Timeout

Timeout has units of milliseconds.

Blank the value for "<Minimum>".

Sets the Timeout to receive response.

Response is ended by any configured End Character, Length OR Timeout.

configitem Delay


Delay has units of seconds, minutes, hours, and/or days.

Sets Delay waited before monitor starts processing all poll messages again. 0 means poll messages are sent only once.

configgroup Monitor Filter

These settings pertain to Monitor Filter in the device.

Filter settings will be applied to all received response. Filter results can be used to feed another filter or use as Data Reference.

configitem Rule

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 4.

value Source

Source may contain up to 6 characters.

Sets the Source in dot number format.

Source defines the input of a filter. E.g. If the source of this Filter is the second trunk of data created by filter 1, Source must be set to "1.2". A Source of "0" indicates the raw response.

Dot number format could be "0" or two numbers separated by a dot (e.g. "1.2").

value Mode

Mode may be "All", "Delimiters" or "Binary".

"All" makes filter ouput to be a duplicate of input.

"Delimiters" filter breaks input up to 8 trunks separated by Binary String. Each trunk will not contain the delimiters.

"Binary" filter breaks input into 3 trunks according to Offset and Length.

value Delimiter <instance> Binary String

<instance> may range from 1 to 2.

Binary String may contain up to 6 bytes.

Non-printable characters must be in decimal or hexadecimal form enclosed in square braces and separated by commas. To specify an open square brace, use two in a row. Example: AB[255,0xFF]C[[D] results in this string, where dots hold place of unprintable characters: AB..C[D]

Sets Binary String delimiter in binary format.

Delimiters break input up to 8 trunks separated by (but not containing) delimiters. A delimiter is recognized if any of the Binary String is completely matched.

Binary format takes printable characters (e.g. 'abc' for characters 'a', 'b' and 'c') or binary string (e.g. [0xa, 0xd] for line feed and carriage return).

value Start Index

Sets Start Index to indicate when Delimiters filter starts breaking input into trunks.

value Offset

Offset has units of bytes.

Sets Offset for the size of the first trunk of data created by Binary Filter.

value Length

Length has units of bytes.

Sets Length for the size of the second trunk of data created by Binary Filter. The third trunk of data created by Binary Filter will contain the rest of input.

configgroup Monitor Data

These settings pertain to Monitor Data in the device.

Data configured here will be accessible through the status of Monitor.

configitem Selector

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 8.

value Name

Name may contain up to 16 characters.

Sets Name to enable the data selector.

value Response

Blank the value for "<None>".

Sets Response instance to select the source of data. Response instance corresponds to Poll or Control Message instance.

value Reference

Reference may contain up to 6 characters.

Sets the Reference in dot number format.

Reference selects the output of Monitor Filter. E.g. If data should select the second trunk of data created by filter 1, Reference must be set to "1.2". A Reference of "0" indicates the raw response.

Dot number format could be "0" or two numbers separated by a dot (e.g. "1.2").

configgroup NTP

These configurables are for Simple NTP (SNTP).

configitem Server Hostname


Server Hostname may contain up to 128 characters.

The Server Hostname is the name or IP address of an NTP server.

configitem Sync Time


Sync Time has units of seconds, minutes, and/or hours.

The NTP client waits Sync Time after successful update before querying again.

configgroup SNMP

These configurables are for Simple Network Management Protocol version 2 (SNMPv2) Agent.

configitem State


State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

By default this is disabled, This enables the SNMPv2 agent on the listen network.

configitem Listen Interface


Listen Interface may be "ap0", "eth0" or "wlan0".

configitem Community Read


Community Read may contain up to 64 characters.

A string value to read the SNMP variables, By default this is set public.

configitem Community Write


Community Write may contain up to 64 characters.

A string value to read the SNMP variables, By default this is set private.

configitem System Contact


System Contact may contain up to 64 characters.

configitem System Name


System Name may contain up to 64 characters.

configitem System Description


System Description may contain up to 64 characters.

configitem System Location


System Location may contain up to 64 characters.

configitem Traps

value State

State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

By default this is disabled, This enables to send the predefined traps to specified destinations.

value Primary Destination

Primary Destination may contain up to 64 characters.

value Secondary Destination

Secondary Destination may contain up to 64 characters.

configitem Extended Agent

value IP Address

IP Address may contain up to 31 characters.

value Port

Blank the value for "<None>".

configgroup TLS Credential

Manages certificates for TLS clients and servers.

NOTE: Minimum accepted RSA key size is 2048 bits.

configitem Protocols


Protocols may contain combinations of "TLS1.0", "TLS1.1" or "TLS1.2".

However only these combinations are accepted:

  • TLS1.0
  • TLS1.1
  • TLS1.2
  • TLS1.1, TLS1.2
  • TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2

configitem Private Key


Private Key may contain up to 4000 characters.

The Private Key is input and stored in PEM format.

configitem Certificate


Certificate may contain up to 4000 characters.

The Certificate is input and stored in PEM format.

configitem Higher Authority

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 3.

value Certificate

Certificate may contain up to 4000 characters.

The Certificate is input and stored in PEM format.

When an incoming connection is attempted, the TLS Server will present Higher Authority certificates in its signing chain.

configitem Trusted Authority

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 5.

value Certificate

Certificate may contain up to 4000 characters.

The Certificate is input and stored in PEM format.

TLS Client will accept a server presenting any of these Trusted Authority certificates.

Mutual Authentication
If any Trusted Authority certificate is present, TLS Server will require clients to match; otherwise clients are unrestricted.

configgroup Tunnel Accept

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

Tunnel Accept controls how a tunnel behaves when a connection attempt originates from the network.

configitem Mode


Mode may be "Disable", "Always", "Any Character", "Start Character" or "Modem Control Asserted".

An Accept Tunnel can be started in a number of ways, according to its Mode:

"Disabled": never started.

"Always": always started.

"Any Character": started when any character is read on the Serial Line.

"Start Character": started when the Start Character is read on the Serial Line.

"Modem Control Asserted": started when the Modem Control pin is asserted on the Serial Line.

configitem Local Port


Blank the value for "<None>".

Local Port is required for the Tunnel to accept a connection.

configitem Multiple Connections


Multiple Connections may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Enable Multiple Connections to allow up to 4 connections. This can be useful if the network side is only receiving data.

Disable Multiple Connections for applications requiring sequential access. This is normally required if the network side is sending data.

configitem Protocol


Protocol may be "TCP", "TCP AES" or "TLS".

configitem Credential


Credential may contain up to 30 characters.

The Credential named here must belong to the selected Protocol.

Configure the named Credential on its seperate page. A Credential typically contains whatever keys, certificates, passwords, or usernames that are required for connection using the selected Protocol.

configitem Start Character


Start Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

When the Start Character is received on the Serial Line, it enables the tunnel to listen for a network connection.

configitem Flush Start Character


Flush Start Character may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" prevents forwarding of a start character from the Line into the network.

"Disabled" allows forwarding of a start character from the Line into the network.

configitem Flush Line


Flush Line may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Flush Line applies at the time when a connection is accepted from the network.

"Enabled" means any buffered characters from the Serial Line will be discarded when a connection is accepted.

"Disabled" means any characters received on the Serial Line will be buffered and sent after a connection is accepted.

configitem Block Line


Block Line may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (the debug setting) means incoming characters from the Serial Line will NOT be forwarded to the network. Instead, they will be buffered and will eventually flow off the Serial Line if hardware or software flow control is configured.

"Disabled" (the normal setting) means incoming characters from the Serial Line are sent on into the network. Any buffered characters are sent first.

configitem Block Network


Block Network may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (the debug setting) means incoming characters from the network will NOT be forwarded to the Serial Line. Instead, they will be buffered and will eventually flow off the network side.

"Disabled" (the normal setting) means incoming characters from the network are sent on into the Serial Line. Any buffered characters are sent first.

configitem Password


Password may contain up to 31 characters.

The Password must contain only alphanumeric characters and punctuation. When set, clients must send the correct password string to the unit within 30 seconds from opening network connection in order to enable data transmission. The password sent to the unit must be terminated with one of the following:

  • 0A (Line Feed)
  • 00 (Null)
  • 0D 0A (Carriage Return / Line Feed)
  • 0D 00 (Carriage Return / Null)

If Prompt for Password is "Enabled", the user will be prompted for the password upon connection.

configitem Prompt for Password


Prompt for Password may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

configgroup Tunnel Line

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

The Line Configuration applies to the Serial Line interface.

configitem DTR


DTR may be "Asserted while connected", "Continuously asserted" or "Unasserted".

The DTR options select the conditions in which the Data Terminal Ready control signal on the Serial Line is asserted.

"Asserted while connected" causes DTR to be asserted whenever either a connect or an accept mode tunnel connection is active.

configgroup Tunnel Connect

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

Tunnel Connect controls how a tunnel behaves when a connection attempt originates locally.

configitem Mode


Mode may be "Disable", "Always", "Any Character", "Start Character" or "Modem Control Asserted".

A Connect Tunnel can be started in a number of ways, according to its Mode:

"Disabled": never started.

"Always": always started.

"Any Character": started when any character is read on the Serial Line.

"Start Character": started when the Start Character is read on the Serial Line.

"Modem Control Asserted": started when the Modem Control pin is asserted on the Serial Line.

configitem Start Character


Start Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

When the Start Character is received on the Serial Line, it connects the tunnel.

configitem Flush Start Character


Flush Start Character may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" prevents forwarding of a start character from the Line into the network.

"Disabled" allows forwarding of a start character from the Line into the network.

configitem Host

*The XML *instance may range from 1 to 4.

value Address

Address may contain up to 50 characters.

The Host Address is required to enable a Connect Tunnel.

It designates the address of the remote host to connect to.

Either a DNS address or an IP address may be provided.

If your Protocol is UDP based and you want to listen rather than connect: Leave Host Port set to <None> and set Host Address to the Interface name you want to listen to ("ap0" or "wlan0").

value Port

Blank the value for "<None>".

The Host Port is required to enable a Connect Tunnel.

It designates the TCP or UDP port on the remote host to connect to.

value Protocol

Protocol may be "TCP", "TCP AES", "TLS", "UDP" or "WebSocket".

value Credential

Credential may contain up to 30 characters.

The Credential named here must belong to the selected Protocol.

Configure the named Credential on its seperate page. A Credential typically contains whatever keys, certificates, passwords, or usernames that are required for connection using the selected Protocol.

value Initial Send

Initial Send may contain up to 32 characters.

The Initial Send string, if present, is sent out the network before any other data when the connection is established.

value Local Port

Blank the value for "<Random>".

The Local Port is by default random but can be overridden.

Note that a non-random Local Port is required for operation over a bridged interface.

value Reception

Reception may be "Restricted" or "Unrestricted".

"Restricted" will discard any received UDP packets whose from address and port do not match the designated Host Address and Port. In UDP listen mode, the remote address and port of the first received packet are taken as designated until the socket is closed.

"Unrestricted" accepts any UDP packets directed to the Local Port regardless of where they came from.

configitem Connections


Connections may be "Sequential", "Simultaneous" or "Round-Robin".

Connections controls how multiple hosts shall be used with a Connect Tunnel.

"Sequential" means the tunnel will start with host 1 and attempt each host in sequence until a connection is accepted.

"Simultaneous" means the tunnel will connect to all of the hosts that accept a connection.

"Round-Robin" means the tunnel connection attempts start with the host after whichever host had previously connected.

configitem Reconnect Time


Reconnect Time has units of seconds, minutes, and/or hours.

The Reconnect Time specifies how long to wait before trying to reconnect to the remote host after a previous attempt failed or the connection was closed. Set to '0' to disable reconnect.

Blank the display field to restore the default.

configitem Flush Line


Flush Line may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Flush Line applies at the time when a connection is established to the network.

"Enabled" means any buffered characters from the Serial Line will be discarded when a connection is established.

"Disabled" means any characters received on the Serial Line will be buffered and sent after a connection is established.

configitem Block Line


Block Line may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (the debug setting) means incoming characters from the Serial Line will NOT be forwarded to the network. Instead, they will be buffered and will eventually flow off the Serial Line if hardware or software flow control is configured.

"Disabled" (the normal setting) means incoming characters from the Serial Line are sent on into the network. Any buffered characters are sent first.

configitem Block Network


Block Network may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" (the debug setting) means incoming characters from the network will NOT be forwarded to the Serial Line. Instead, they will be buffered and will eventually flow off the network side.

"Disabled" (the normal setting) means incoming characters from the network are sent on into the Serial Line. Any buffered characters are sent first.

configgroup Tunnel Disconnect

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

These settings relate to Disconnecting a Tunnel.

configitem Stop Character


Stop Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

When the Stop Character is received on the Serial Line, it disconnects the tunnel.

Disable the Stop Character by blanking the field to set it to <None>.

configitem Flush Stop Character


Flush Stop Character may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" prevents forwarding of a stop character from the Line into the network.

"Disabled" allows forwarding of a stop character from the Line into the network.

configitem Modem Control


Modem Control may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" means disconnect when the Modem Control pin is not asserted on the Serial Line.

configitem Timeout


Timeout has units of milliseconds.

Blank the value for "<Disabled>".

Timeout enables disconnect after the tunnel is idle for a specified number of milliseconds.

configitem Flush Line


Flush Line may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" means flush the Serial Line when the Tunnel is disconnected.

configgroup Tunnel Packing

The XML instance may be "1", "Virtual_1" or "Virtual_2".

When Tunneling, instead of sending data on the network immediately after being read on the Serial Line, the data can be Packed (queued) and sent in larger chunks.

configitem Mode


Mode may be "Disable", "Timeout" or "Send Character".

"Disable" means data is not packed.

"Timeout" means data is sent only after a timeout occurs.

"Send Character" means data is sent when the Send Character is read on the Serial Line.

configitem Timeout


Timeout has units of milliseconds.

If the oldest byte of queued data has been waiting for Timeout milliseconds, the queued data will be sent on the network immediately.

configitem Threshold


Threshold has units of bytes.

If the number of bytes of queued data reaches the Threshold, the queued data will be sent on the network immediately.

configitem Send Character


Send Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

If used, the Send Character is a single printable character or a control character that, when read on the Serial Line, forces the queued data to be sent on the network immediately.

configitem Flush Send Character


Flush Send Character may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".

"Enabled" means the Send Character will NOT be sent from the Serial Line to the network.

"Disabled" means the Send Character WILL be forwarded from the Serial Line to the network.

configitem Trailing Character


Trailing Character may contain one byte.

A control character <control>J, for example, counts as one.

A control character can be input in alternate forms:

  • \17 (decimal)
  • 0x11 (hexadecimal)
  • <control>Q (control)

The Trailing Character is an optional single printable character or control character that is injected into the outgoing data stream right after the Send Character.

Disable the Trailing Character by blanking the field to set it to <None>.

configgroup Custom

User custom configuration values are stored under this group.

configitem Item

value Value

Value may contain up to 63 characters.

Sets a custom configurable text Value of an Item. The Item <instance> is the name of this value.

configgroup WEBSOCKET Credential

Each WEBSOCKET Credential holds a secret Encrypt Key and Decrypt Key for secure communication.

configitem Host URL


Host URL may contain up to 30 characters.

configitem Secure


Secure may be "Disable" or "Enable".

configitem TLS Credentials


TLS Credentials may contain up to 30 characters.