void | ltrx_cli_command_loop (struct input_stream *is, struct output_stream *os, const bool *isRunning, bool echoIsOn) |
| Enters the command line loop. More...
void | ltrx_input_stream_close (struct input_stream *inStream) |
| Closes the input stream. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_binary (struct input_stream_from_binary *inStream, const void *data, size_t length) |
| Construct input stream from binary. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_const_char (struct input_stream_from_const_char *inStream, const char *data) |
| Construct input stream from const char. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_file (struct input_stream_from_file *inStream, const char *fileName) |
| Set up an input stream from a file. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_open_abstract_socket (struct input_stream_from_open_abstract_socket *inStream, struct ltrx_ip_socket *lis, const struct ltrx_network_protocol *lnp, struct ltrx_network_protocol_handle *lnph) |
| Construct input stream from an open socket. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_open_tcp_socket (struct input_stream_from_open_tcp_socket *inStream, struct ltrx_ip_socket *lis) |
| Construct input stream from an open TCP socket. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_routine (struct input_stream_from_routine *inStream, const char *thread_name, uint32_t stack_size, void(*routine)(struct output_stream *os, void *opaque), void *opaque) |
| Construct input stream from routine. More...
bool | ltrx_input_stream_init_from_uart (struct input_stream_from_uart *inStream, unsigned int zeroBasedIndex) |
| Set up an input stream from a Serial Line. More...
int | ltrx_input_stream_peek (struct input_stream *inStream) |
| Non-blocking peek. More...
int | ltrx_input_stream_peek_with_block_time (struct input_stream *inStream, uint32_t blockTimeMsec) |
| Blocking peek. More...
int | ltrx_input_stream_read (struct input_stream *inStream) |
| Blocking read from an input stream. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_close (struct output_stream *outStream) |
| Closes the output stream. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_flush_data (struct output_stream *outStream) |
| Forces any buffered data to be actually output. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_from_input_stream (struct output_stream *outStream, struct input_stream *inStream) |
| Writes output stream till disconnected, and closes input. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_buffer (struct output_stream_to_buffer *outStream, void *buffer, size_t bufferLength, enum output_stream_to_buffer_mode mode) |
| Set up an output stream to a RAM buffer. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_count (struct output_stream_to_count *outStream) |
| Set up an output stream to only count characters out. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_file (struct output_stream_to_file *outStream, const char *fileName) |
| Set up an output stream to a file. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_open_abstract_socket (struct output_stream_to_open_abstract_socket *outStream, struct ltrx_ip_socket *lis, const struct ltrx_network_protocol *lnp, struct ltrx_network_protocol_handle *lnph) |
| Set up an output stream to an open socket. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_open_tcp_socket (struct output_stream_from_open_tcp_socket *outStream, struct ltrx_ip_socket *lis) |
| Set up an output stream to an open TCP socket. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_init_to_uart (struct output_stream_to_uart *outStream, unsigned int zeroBasedIndex) |
| Set up an output stream to a Serial Line. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_write_binary (struct output_stream *outStream, const void *data, size_t length) |
| Writes binary data. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_write_line (struct output_stream *outStream, const char *data) |
| Writes data ending with newline. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_write_unsigned (struct output_stream *outStream, uint32_t value) |
| Writes unsigned value as ASCII decimal. More...
bool | ltrx_output_stream_write_without_ending_line (struct output_stream *outStream, const char *data) |
| Writes data without any newline. More...
bool | ltrx_xml_import_from_stream (struct input_stream *in, const struct ltrx_write_user_message_info *lwumi) |
| Import XML from stream. More...
bool | ltrx_xml_trusted_import_from_stream (struct input_stream *in, const struct vardef_values_xml_import_control *vvxic, const struct ltrx_write_user_message_info *lwumi) |
| Trusted import XML from stream. More...
Definitions related to streams.