OEM Branding and Customization

This chapter describes ways that you can configure OEM default configuration and other OEM specific settings and customize the appearance of the web pages that are served by the built-in web server .

OEM Default Configuration

Your product may contain settings that are different from the Lantronix factory defaults for xPico 200. If so, you can define the default configuration to your settings.

You can send the XML to load the XML configuration record (XCR). To change the default configuration, import the configuration settings that differ from the default with the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE configrecord [
   <!ELEMENT configrecord (configgroup+)>
   <!ELEMENT configgroup (configitem+)>
   <!ELEMENT configitem (value+)>
   <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
   <!ATTLIST configrecord version CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST configgroup name CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST configgroup instance CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST configitem name CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST configitem instance CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST value name CDATA #IMPLIED>
<configrecord version = "">
   <configgroup name = "XML Import Control">
      <configitem name = "OEM">
         <value>Set Configuration</value>
      <configitem name = "Password">
   <configgroup name = "OEM">
      <configitem name = "Interface" instance = "eth0">
         <value name = "MAC Address">00 80 A3 B7 6A 59</value>
      <configitem name = "Region">

The XML Import Control configgroup with the Set Configuration value is necessary to save the OEM configuration as the factory default configuration.

The password, if set, protects your OEM configuration from being changed subsequently unless the XML Import Control configgroup contains the password.

Removing OEM Configuration

To remove the OEM configuration and restore it to the default configuration, include Remove Configuration as shown in the following example:

<configrecord version = "">
  <configgroup name = "XML Import Control">
    <configitem name = "OEM">
      <value>Remove Configuration</value>
    <configitem name = "Password">

OEM Specific Settings

You may need to change the region code if the region where your product will be sold differs from the default configuration.

You may also change the MAC address for the different interface instances.

Changing Region Code

The following region codes are supported:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • European Union
  • China
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Set the region code to the region where the unit will be used.

To change the region code, include the following XML, with the Region value configured to the appropriate region:

<configrecord version = "">
   <configgroup name = "OEM">
      <configitem name = "Region">

If the unit will be used in a different region not listed above, contact your Lantronix FAE or Technical Support to get specific regional code information.

Changing MAC Address

You can also configure the MAC address for the interface instances. If you don't specify the interface, it will assign to eth0 by default. When you change the MAC address, the DHCP server will assign a different DHCP address on eth0 and wlan0.

To change the MAC address, include the following XML:

<configrecord version = "">
   <configgroup name = "OEM">
      <configitem name = "Interface" instance = "ap0">
         <value name = "MAC Address">00 80 A3 B7 6A 60</value>
      <configitem name = "Interface" instance = "eth0">
         <value name = "MAC Address">00 80 A3 B7 6A 59</value>
      <configitem name = "Interface" instance = "wlan0">
         <value name = "MAC Address">00 80 A3 B7 6A 60</value>

Web Manager UI Customization

You may want to customize the web pages that are served by the web server. You can make the following types of customizations:

  • Change the Web Manager brand colors and logo to your specifications
  • Add configuration tabs to Web Manager
  • Remove configuration tabs from Web Manager
  • Create custom web pages

You can decide to use the existing Lantronix pages and remove certain items while also adding your own items, or you can create your own custom pages that don't use Lantronix HTML/Javascript at all.

This section provides an overview of how to get started with doing both.

Web Manager Default Appearance

The default Web Manager UI looks like this:

Web Manager default UI

Overriding Files

The HTML, Javascript, and CSS that makes the default Lantronix web pages is built into the Lantronix firmware. These are called Overridable files, in that you can create your own to be served instead of the default ones. The overridable files are:

  • index.html – Main file controlling text and graphics
  • style.css – Style sheet
  • img/bg.gif – Main background
  • img/company_logo.gif – Company logo in header container
  • img/product_logo.gif – Product logo in header container
  • img/favicon.ico – Shortcut icon
  • img/header_bg.gif – Head container background

If you would like to override a file, place it in the following directory in the filesystem: /main/http/web_manager

You can create the override file from scratch, or you can save as source the Lantronix one and modify it. If you would like to see the source of the Lantronix default page, you can find it in the following directory: /embedded/main/http/web_manager

The following picture shows the effect of the different overridable files:

Web Manager Overridable Files

Removing Configuration Tabs

If you would like to remove tabs from the left-side menu, you can do so by overriding the style.css with your own file that hides the different menus. Copy the default style.css file and set any menus that you want to hide to the display:none; style. For example, to hide the SPI, the style.css would have:

    display: none;

The list of IDs used for each tab is:

  • quickconnect_Index
  • status_Index
  • aes_credentials_Index
  • bridge_Index
  • cliserver_Index
  • cpm_Index
  • clock_Index
  • device_Index
  • diagnostics_Index
  • discovery_Index
  • filesystem_Index
  • httpserver_Index
  • line_Index
  • modem_emulation_Index
  • monitor_Index
  • ntp_Index
  • network_Index
  • performance_Index
  • radio_Index
  • spi_Index
  • tls_Index
  • tunnel_Index
  • user_Index
  • wlan_profiles_Index

Adding Configuration Tabs

The Lantronix User Data module makes it easy to add tabs with your own data to the existing default pages, without having to redesign all the pages by yourself. This also lets you save your own configuration values that you can get via XML through the usual ways of reading configuration (either serial port or WebAPI).

To add a new tab, follow these steps:

  1. Create /user_data directory on the filesystem.
  2. Create /user_data/http directory.
  3. Create /user_data/http/web directory.
  4. In the web directory, add a file called user_data_specification.js.
  5. Go back and create /user_data/http/help directory.
  6. Put config.Custom.html file into the help directory.
  7. Reboot your device, notice the new "Customization" tab.


        name: "Customization",
        page: [
                item:["Alarm Level","Notify","Severity"],
                checkFormValues: function() {
                    var a = UserData_GetValue("Alarm Level");
                    if(a && ! a.match(/^\d+$/)) {
                        PrintMsg("ERROR: Alarm Level must be numeric.\r");
                        return false;
                    return true;
                item:["Serial Number","Rank"]

config.Custom.html file:

<div id="help.config.Custom" style="display:none">
        The idea is, user custom configuration values are stored under this group.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Alarms" style="display:none">
        The OEM places help for the overall <b>Alarms</b> page here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Alarms.Alarm Level" style="display:none">
        The OEM describes <b>Alarm Level</b> in detail here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Alarms.Notify" style="display:none">
        The OEM describes <b>Notify</b> in detail here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Alarms.Severity" style="display:none">
        The OEM describes <b>Severity</b> in detail here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Device" style="display:none">
        The OEM places help for the overall <b>Device</b> page here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Device.Serial Number" style="display:none">
        The OEM describes <b>Serial Number</b> in detail here.
<div id="help.config.Custom.Device.Rank" style="display:none">
        The OEM describes <b>Rank</b> in detail here.

The files above will create the following tab called Customization:

Web Manager Customized Page

Accessing Your Custom Data

To access your custom configuration data stored when a user enters data in the page above, you can use the standard methods of getting the configuration XML (XCR) data, and look for the "Custom" configuration group.

<configgroup name = "Custom" instance = "Alarms">
    <configitem name = "Item" instance = "Alarm Level">
       <value name = "Value"></value>
    <configitem name = "Item" instance = "Notify">
       <value name = "Value"></value>
    <configitem name = "Item" instance = "Severity">
       <value name = "Value"></value>

Creating Your Own Webpages

If instead of modifying the existing pages, you would like to create your own pages, you can do so easily by placing your source files in the /http directory of the filesystem. That directory might need to be created.

Any HTML file placed there will be served at the root of the web server. That is, if you create a file called /http/test.html, it will be seen at address:

http://<ip address of xPico Wi-Fi>/test.html

Accessing Configuration and Status

To access xPico Wi-Fi configuration and status from your own custom web pages, you can use the WebAPI with Javascript transactions to get the XML data (XCR for configuration, XSR for status). With the WebAPI you can:

  • View current configuration
  • Upload new configuration
  • View current status
  • Take status actions (such as toggling GPIO, send data to serial ports, etc)

See WebAPI Reference for more details and Javascript examples.

JavaScript Library

The xPico Wi-Fi Web API Javascript Library also applies to xPico 200 series devices. This library makes it easy to use the xPico 200 series Web API to access the hardware features of the device. The library takes care of all the HTTP transactions and XML building and parsing for you.

See xPico Wi-Fi Web API JavaScript Library on GitHub.