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Custom Device Properties

The following custom device properties are available for configuration on the Local Managers.

Property Description
sysContact.0 When SNMP is enabled on the Local Manager, defines the system contact.
sysLocation.0 When SNMP is enabled on the Local Manager, defines the system location. Useful if the Local Manager is behind a firewall or NAT.
sshPort This property overrides the default port 22 for SSH connections. Useful if the Local Manger is behind a router with port forwarding capabilities.
sshIp This property overrides the reported IP address when initiating an SSH connection with the Lantronix native Terminal Application.
sshIpv6 Specifies an alternate IPv6 address to be used instead of the address reported by the Local Manager.
sshPortOob This property overrides the default port 22 for SSH connections while the Local Manager is operating out-of-band.
sshIpOob This property overrides the reported out-of-band IP address. Useful if the Local Manager is behind a firewall or NAT when it brings up its out of band connection.
sshIpv6Oob Specifies an alternate IPv6 addressed to be used when the Local Manager is operating out-of-band.
_csr_OU For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Organization Unit required when generating a certificate.
_csr_CN For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Common Name required when generating a certificate.
_csr_O For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Organization required when generating a certificate.
_csr_L For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Location required when generating a certificate.
_csr_ST For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the State required when generating a certificate.
_csr_C For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Country required when generating a certificate.
_csr_E For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines the Email Address required when generating a certificate.
_csr_other For use when placing the Local Manager in FIPS mode, the property defines other elements that the user may wish to include when generating a certificate.
forwardIpAddress Set IP address for forwarding inbound UDP packets.
readCommunity Configuration information specific to ND SatCom.
writeCommunity Configuration information specific to ND SatCom.
Enhanced_CommandPrompt Define an enhanced driver's command prompt.
Enhanced_PasswordPrompt Define an enhanced driver's password prompt.
Enhanced_LoginPrompt Define an enhanced driver's login prompt.
Enhanced_LogoutCommand Define an enhanced driver's logout command.
Enhanced_TimeoutSeconds Define an enhanced driver's timeout duration in seconds.
Enhanced_WakeupCommand Define an enhanced driver's command to wake up a managed device.
safedelay Define a delay period for use after a command is run.
safeDebug For use on Sea Tel devices, define for extra log messages on the console during Push OS.
_powerOnValidationTimeout Defines a time in milliseconds for the system to wait before checking CTS and DSR during a power on or power cycle operation.
debug For RFC-2217 "TCP" connections and/or virtual ports set property for extra log messages on the console.
_keepalive For use with virtual ports on Cisco devices, configure a message or character to be sent to maintain the connection.
ROMMON* During a ROMmon recovery, ROMmon variables defined in this property will be passed to the Cisco device.
remoteHostOrIpAddress For use when connecting to an IP address or port via the management Ethernet on the Local Manager, this property defines that destination host or IP Address.
tcpPort For use when connecting to an IP address or port via the management Ethernet on the Local Manager, this property defines that destination port.
_applet_failover_ssh_ip Set the failover SSH IP address when configuring the Lantronix native Terminal Application to failover directly to a managed device.
_applet_failover_ssh_port Set the failover SSH port when configuring the Lantronix native Terminal Application to failover directly to a managed device.
_applet_failover_ssh_fingerprint Set the SSH fingerprint when configuring the Lantronix native Terminal Application to failover directly to a managed device.
_lcp_echo_interval Define the value in seconds between LCP echo requests. Set property to 0 to disable LCP echo.
_lcp_echo_failure Define the number of subsequent failures before a PPP link goes down.
_modem_monitor_init This property overrides the modem initialization string on the modem monitor.
_modem_monitor_test This property provides a test dial string on the modem monitor.
_snmp_1. Set to "enable" if customer has a GPS attached to their Local Manager and would like the statistics to show up in SNMP.
_snmp_. Set to "enable" to get SNMP Load Average (UCD-SNMP-MIB).
_snmp_. Set to "enable" to get SNMP Memory Info (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB).
_snmp_. Set to "enable" to get SNMP Disk Info (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB).