config ruleset¶
Orders rules or rulesets to apply to monitors.
Command availability¶
CLI resource: system
Lantronix system: All
LMS offerings: All
Using the no modifier with the config ruleset command deletes the rule set.
description - Provide information about the rule set. This is a free text field of 255 characters.
show - Display the rule set's current settings.
rules - A list of rules applied either in series or in parallel. Rules separated by the pipe | character are evaluated in parallel. Rules separated by commas are evaluated sequentially; evaluation stops at the first match.
exit - Save the rule and exit the ruleset editor.
Example 1:
[admin@LantronixLM]# config ruleset interfaceDefault
description Default Ethernet Ruleset
lossOfSignalIncrements | lossOfFrameIncrements | aisAlarmIncrements | remoteAlarmIncrements | currentLineCodeViolationsIncrements | currentPathCodeViolationsIncrements | currentFrameLossSecondsIncrements | currentLineErrorSecondsIncrements | currentErroredSecondsIncrements | operationalStatusDown | lineProtocolStatusDown | loadGreaterThan90 | reliabilityLessThan90 | dataCarrierDetectIsDown | dataSetReadyIsDown | dataTerminalReadyIsDown | requestToSendIsDown | clearToSendIsDown | outputQueueDropsRate | intputQueueDropsRate | intputRuntsRate | intputGiantsRate | inputThrottlesRate | inputCrcErrorsRate | inputFrameErrorsIncrements | inputOverrunErrorsIncrements | outputLateCollisionsIncrements | inputIgnoredPacketsIncrements | inputAbortedPacketsIncrements | outputCollisionsRate | outputInterfaceResetsIncrements | outputDeferredIncrements | outputNoCarrierIncrements | outputCarrierTransitionsIncrements
Rule 1 will be evaluated, and if it does not match, rule 2 and rule 3 will both be evaluated. If neither rule 2 or 3 match, rule 4 is evaluated.
In the Lantronix web interface¶
Inventory > group page > Automation > Rule Sets - specific to this inventory group
Inventory > Local Manager page > Automation > Rule Sets - specific to this system
1.1 - This command was introduced.
Related commands¶
- config rule
- config monitors