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show gps

Displays GPS-tagged event history.

Command availability

CLI resource: port

Device makes: 3Com, Alcatel, Cisco, Comtech, Garmin, HP, iDirect, Juniper, ND Satcom, Netscreen, Nortel, Sun, Tasman, TippingPoint, ppp, server

Lantronix Local Managers: All

LMS offerings: All


show gps <events | most-recent | position>
events - Shows GPS coordinates associated with Lantronix events.

most-recent - Displays most recent valid GPS coordinates. Since multiple GPS sources can provide coordinates, the most recent valid coordinate with the port collected is displayed.

position - Displays the GPS coordinate history.


[admin@LantronixLM (port1/3)]# show gps events
CDT   Latitude          Longitude         Context Message
----- ----------------- ----------------- ------- -----------------------------------------
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Assimilate completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         User started a terminal session.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Pull running config completed.
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Elevation 90 succeeded
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Elevation 0 succeeded
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Elevation 45 succeeded
10/05 30d 22' 00.000" N 97d 46' 00.000" W         Elevation Range Test succeeded
admin@LantronixLM (port1/3)]# show gps most-recent
Most-recent, port1/1:
CDT        Latitude            Longitude           Heading   Elevation   # Sats
--------   -----------------   -----------------   -------   ---------   ------
15:30:21   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
[admin@LantronixLM (port1/3)]# show gps position
CDT        Latitude            Longitude           Heading   Elevation   # Sats
--------   -----------------   -----------------   -------   ---------   ------
14:59:46   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:00:24   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:00:46   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:01:23   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:02:01   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:02:24   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:17:51   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:18:13   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1
15:18:50   30d 22' 00.000" N   97d 46' 00.000" W       0.0         0.0        1


2.2 - This command was introduced.

Related commands
