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show circuit

Displays status and amp draw for the specified circuit of an APC power controller.

Command availability

CLI resource: powercontrol

Lantronix system: All

LMS offerings: All


show circuit <circuit> [-n <"number">]

circuit is the circuit for which you wish to display information. You may use a wildcard character * to display all circuit information.

number is the maximum number of messages to display.


[admin@LantronixLM (powercontrol)]# show circuit *
circuit     amps     status     time
-------     ----     ------     ----------------
1           0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:28 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:31 UTC
-------     ----     ------     ----------------
2           0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:28 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:31 UTC
-------     ----     ------     ----------------
3           0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:28 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:29 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:30 UTC
            0.0      OK         Aug 07 18:31 UTC


3.5 - This command was introduced.

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