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config update

Updates the Lantronix Local Manager's operating system to another version.

This command copies the file from the remote file system, executes an integrity checksum, migrates the data to the new database, installs it; then restarts the system on the new version. If the system cannot start after the update, the software version that shipped on the chassis will be loaded.

Command availability

CLI resource: system

LM system: All

LMS offerings: All


[admin@LantronixLM]# config update
usage: update <method> <target> [options]
methods: ems, ftp, scp, http, ucc, usb
options: ignoreDataLoss

Update via EMS
ex. config update ems <category>/<fileName>
Update via FTP
ex. config update ftp <userId@host:fileName>
Update via SCP
ex. config update scp <userId@host:fileName>
Update via HTTP
ex. config update http <http://host/fileName>
ex. config update https <https://host/fileName>
Update via CC
ex. config update ucc <category>/<fileName>
Update via USB
ex. config update usb [fileName]
Update and Ignore Data Loss
ex. config update <method> <target> ignoreDataLoss

Note: the ignoreDataLoss parameter is normally used to downgrade .


[admin@LantronixLM]# config update scp admin@
Retrieved 'lms5.4.bin' from

The USB option is only available when a USB flash drive is connected to the system. The binary file needs to be available from the flash drive.

config update usb LantronixOS-

You can also specify files in subfolders this way:

config update usb upgrade_files/LantronixOS-

Note: Lantronix recommends using a 1 GB FAT16 formatted USB flash drive. Upgrading the system from a FAT32 formatted flash drive may keep the Local Manager from restarting after the upgrade.

The update may be retrieved from the Lantronix Control Center using the config update UCC / syntax, if the file has previously been added to the Lantronix Control Center's file archive in the category specified by the command.

From the Control Center

Schedule > Scheduled Tasks - all system that match the selected filter

Inventory > Local Manager page > schedule button - specific to this system


1.06 - FTP support was added.

3.3 - HTTP and USB flash drive support were added.

3.5 - The Control Center category/file parameter was added.

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