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show role

Displays the permissions associated with a role. Most permissions correspond to LMS commands.

The industry standard admin and guest roles are predefined. The system may also have other roles created using the config role command.

Command availability

CLI resource: system

Lantronix system: All

LMS offerings: All


show role ["role name"]

show role displays all roles.


[admin@LantronixLM]# show role guest
        allow config password
        allow login
        allow ping
        allow show alarms
        allow show date
        allow show directory
        allow show environment
        allow show session
        allow show status
        allow show version
        allow show who

In the Lantronix web interface

Administration > Roles - universally available

Inventory > group page > Security > Roles - specific to this inventory group

Inventory > Local Manager page > Security > Roles - specific to this system


1.1 - This command was introduced.

Related commands

  • config role